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I am new to collecting armor and other Japanese items. This is my first armor and I am seeking any information about it. the description I received was that it was edo period and not much else. I know that it is in rough shape though I intend to clean it a bit and display it. thank you for any and all help.






i cant seem to post images so here are all of them on flikr.


It looks like a lot of your armor is made from nerigawa (rawhide), if your not sure you can use a magnet to see if a particular part is metal or not, from what I can see all the parts appear to be matching, you have a momonari kabuto but I can not see the menpo to tell if it goes with the armor or not.


Hi Jeremy,

late Edo-period ensemble with at least matching sangu set, momonari kabuto (like Eric already mentioned) and iyozane do. Maedate is quite nice!

What exactly you want to know?



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