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Hi All,

I have two Saotome Tsuba that were purchased (at different times) from different dealers in Japan, yet the Hitsu ana on both Tsuba have the same (elegant) elongated elliptical shape – quite a bit different to most Hitsu ana on other tsuba. Nihon To Koza (Vol VI, Pg 120) states that Saotome Hitsu ana resemble Shoami (style), but we have all seen various other shaped Hitsu ana or just Kozuka ana on (this type of) Saotome Tsuba, so I am interested to know if there are papered Saotome that do have different Hitsu ana, or is this irrelevant as a Kantei point for Saotome? I know there must be many Tsuba influenced by this design that perhaps aren’t Saotome, but get an attribution because of the design? Does anyone else have any (64 petal) Kiku Saotome Tsuba that have similar Hitsu ana, or perhaps even vary greatly from this, so that we can learn more about these type of Saotome Tsuba.. I did a quick search through previous threads to see if this has been discussed previously, but could not find anything.. I am happy to be pointed in that direction if it has, and I have missed it.

Both Tsuba are un-papered BTW.

Thanks in advance,

Barrie B.





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This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one, unless your post is really relevant and adds to the topic..

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