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Hi guys!


Here´s an old kura with a Hosokawa mon. Aged with grace, I guess.


There is a signature and perhaps a date on it. It´s very very faint. I don´t think it will be possible to read completely, but any help would be fantastic.


Two kao on each side and then what I belive to be a signature and date on the side.


This is detective work on the highest level :D










First a big thanks to You guys trying to help me

with this almost impossible translation.

I will be away from my camera until next saturday.

Will try to take some other pictures with some dif lighting.

Perhaps it can help. This must be a tough one when even Morita-san

cant help :)




Well this is the best I can do without contacting the swedish secret service :D


Perhaps the date signs is a bit clearer. What I think is a possible signature on the left side is still hard to read, to say the least.


Would be sweet to be able to get a time period out of this.


Fingers crossed!!!










Thanks a lot for Your help, Kunitaro! You have fantastic eyes.

What would be the english translation?

Thanks again, Kunitaro, for helping me with this headache.




Wow, we got a name. I was pretty sure that the name part of this signature would be close to impossible to read. But using a magnifying glass I can only agree with Your reading, Kunitaro.

And Piers, I belive you also was on the right track. :clap: to both of you.

Trying to find any useful info in english about old Japanese saddle makers is almost impossible, I guess. A quick search on the net and in my books gilded nothing.


How about the date? Justin is as far as I can see (magnifying glass again) right about "ni gatsu suiyoubi" (2nd month, Wednesday) 二月 水

Is any of the other kanjis workable? The three kanjis on the right side of 二月 水 looks like they could be cracked. But I could be wrong 8)


We are def getting somewhere. A million thanks!!!




Always go with the russians, Uwe 8) 8) 8)


If You could call them back about the "date" side of this signature...


At this point any help is of great value. Would love a timeframe here.




CSI Wladiwostok is def better at this then CSI Stockholm, I must say. Thats the best version so far, by a mile.


I guess we can conclude that kanji no 1+3 is 元. Both Ian and Kunitaro have spotted it. Kanji no 2 治 is a def possibility


as Kunitaro says.


The fourth one is a tricky on. Well, almost everyone is in this case :D


Genji (元治) being the emperor for only one year 1864. Followed by Keio 65-68. What does this Gan-nen (元年 ?) means in this context?


Thanks again for moving this forward, guys!!!



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