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jakushi tsuba ?


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I got this iron tsuba on a mounted sword. It is badly signed Tadamitsu saku and must be gimei.

there is no hitsu ana, and mimi circled with shakudo.

diameter: 8cm,




I thought it was a shoami. But I saw on ebay a very close one that is given as a jakushi school. (link bellow)

http://cgi.ebay.fr/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?Vie ... 1423.l2649


May I have your opinion about the school of my tsuba ?


Thanks for your help



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Hi Sébastien,


The workmanship and design subject looks like the Jakushi school and not Shoami crica the late Edo Period. The mei is cut very poorly and is likely a gimei added later by someone other than the tsubako. Most Jakushi school tsuba if signed are just signed Jakushi or left mumei . Not a expert on this school and I will defer to someone more knowledgeable about this specific school.

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Thanks for your answere. :bowdown:


The mei is cut very poorly and is likely a gimei added later by someone other than the tsubako.

That is also my opinion, moreover, the mei is chisel in the wrong way ! :crazy:

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