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Would you be interested in purchasing the 2 volume: Index of Japanese Swordsmiths?  

90 members have voted

  1. 1. Would you be interested in purchasing the 2 volume: Index of Japanese Swordsmiths?

    • Yes, I would be willing to purchase a copy of the high quality, hard bound, offset printed books at $100 plus shipping.
    • Yes, I would be willing to purchase 2 copies of the high quality, hard bound offset printed books at $100 plus shipping.
    • Yes, I would be willing to purchase 3+ copies of the high quality offset printed books at $100 plus shipping.
    • If the required number of copies of the offset prints isn't reached, I would be willing to purchase a good quality digitally printed set, hard bound, at $180 plus shipping.
    • No thank you, I am happy to purchase the current versions available or already own this set.
    • Books? I prefer to buy swords rather than read about them.

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Hi Brian

Thank you for all the time you have put into this post.


I'm still not sure how to change my vote to 3 books.

I can see the X up in the corner saying that I voted for 1 book.

but have no idea how to change it. or is that something you need to do.?

can you help me out with this.?


Thank you

Doug Scheurich


Ok..that is odd. No check boxes to the left of each option...2 of them already having checks in them from your last vote?


They are there for me. Are you sure you are logged in? Anyone else?




Odd. Oh well...looks like a glitch in the system. I'll try and find out more. But wouldn't change the stats too much.

We may have to do a new poll. I'm still in favour of using Kickstarter, as the funds are then guaranteed if we meet target, or are returned if we don't. But would need a US co-ordinator.



Yes, it is offset, sewn binding, good quality paper and in the USA. Flat back and durable binding, foiled cover and spine.

It is very hard to find a printer to do under 300 copies as Adrian said. Surprised these guys are willing to do 150.

But everyone is really busy at the moment...myself included. So corresponding when I have a chance. There just isn't enough time in the day right now to devote too much time to it, but making progress. Am still busy talking to others too...so will update with progress.






If you share the details with someone in the US who is willing to help (maybe Barry for example) perhaps we would be able to move this forward a bit. In any case you're going to need someone in the US to collect the $, for obvious economic reasons (paypal and bank transfer fees, contract6 with a domestic printing company and so on).


If any trusted volunteer steps forward, of course. :D


Maybe some of the officers of the JSSUS could be contacted to see who they've used for printing some of their publications? (Hizento Handbook for example has a good quality print and binding)





It seems that to do this I would need to immigrate to the U.S.A. from Canada....not likely. I would gladly handle Cnadian distribution if that would help. I could receive a package and then forward it to collectors in Canada.


Sorry for the confusion Barry :) Dunno why I had in mind that you were American, as you have the location published in your profile.


So we're looking for a well known and trusted American (living in the US too) who can handle the money. Anyone stepping forward? :D


Not knowing anything about "Kickstarter" I thought that I would take a look. If successfully funded they take 5% off the top and then they say the charges to get the money could result in a further 3-5%. To me that is a significant cost 8%-10%. I do not see why we need them. We have a significant group willing to fund this project.

I have a sword club meeting on the 29th of June. I could not present this to my members because I do not know what it will cost. I am sure that I would get good support if I had some firm pricing. I hate to see months go by and interest go away.


Brian if you need a new poll of the members to confirm purchase then please do it soon.


Barry this project reflects a key line from the film "Last Samurai" ...."too many minds"....

Have Marius pick some leaders he knows and trusts and get the show on the road. I am still in for two sets. This post has become far too tedious.

Tony Martin

Not knowing anything about "Kickstarter" I thought that I would take a look. If successfully funded they take 5% off the top and then they say the charges to get the money could result in a further 3-5%. .


Kickstarter is perfect because it gives a commitment to buy without taking the money. If the whole thing falls through it avoids the admin nightmare of having to refund everyone. It also prevents someone running away with the money after we have all paid. For an extra 10% its well worth it.


Actually kickstarter is useless and redundand because Markus is not a US or UK resident so we would need a middleman to set up the kickstarter account anyway.



So what?

That's the easy part. Trust me....I don't have a problem with that. Peter is right. Getting the funds to Markus is also easy.

The hard part is getting people to commit, and that is what we don't have. Having 100 people say they are sending money just isn't enough. Cancellation ratio is probably at least 25% if not more, and we don't even have 100 yet. Paypal or credit card would have swallowed at least 5% anyways.

If anyone is in a rush, I recommend the current hardbound set that is available. Otherwise, people will have to wait until the roleplayers have time to work on it in depth.




So what?

That's the easy part. Trust me....I don't have a problem with that. Peter is right. Getting the funds to Markus is also easy.

The hard part is getting people to commit, and that is what we don't have. Having 100 people say they are sending money just isn't enough. Cancellation ratio is probably at least 25% if not more, and we don't even have 100 yet. Paypal or credit card would have swallowed at least 5% anyways.

If anyone is in a rush, I recommend the current hardbound set that is available. Otherwise, people will have to wait until the roleplayers have time to work on it in depth.





Brian, the catch is that since we need a middleman to set up a kickstarter account for Markus, the middleman will need to handle payments to the printing company and so on. And Paypal is 4%, not 10% like kickstarter.


I don't think anyone is in a hurry, but the comitment rate is likelly to drop if the project drags it's feet for one year or so. It's just human nature.


My proposal is simple: if someone steps forward as a US based middleman and if his credibility is beyond doubt, let's just start sending in the damn money and get the thing moving. It's not that hard...


If not enough people send money, all he has to do is send Paypal refunds. I really don't see the flaw in this approach.


Of course, IF we cannot find a US based middleman, we could discuss other options. (kickstarter with UK based middleman for example)


If not enough people send money, all he has to do is send Paypal refunds. I really don't see the flaw in this approach.


Paypal have a 60 day limit for refunds, it's not going to be practical to fund it that way.


IMO those two months are more then enough to collect the money. Keep in mind that this edition is going to be a) very limited b) of excelent quality and c) EXTREMELY cheap


I'd rather try to do something and fail (with 0 consequences, just the money gets refunded) then do absolutelly nothing because of the fear to fail.


Well..that's just you then. Myself and others have very little time on our hands, and would rather make sure something works than waste our time and effort on something that is doomed to fail unless we get more interest.




To recapitulate: We have quite a decent offer but are still at the hurdle of only 100 copies.

As Brian said, with the cancellation ratio in mind, we are far away from the desired fix 150 copies

to show up with money at the printer. My royalties are freely negotiable so at least I don´t want

to be an additional hurdle in this project if we are just lacking $ 1.000 or so (that means I would

refrain from a quarter or even a third of my royalties if it is this which makes it work in the end).


I guess now it is the time of the (book) dealers. Brian said in a previous thread "50 or more copies

would always sell at sword shows afterwards". Otherwise I fear we will come up magically with

50 participants. And when we have it open that long to get these 50 parties eventually, we will

maybe loose 50 at the other end, i.e. of those which were with this project right from the start

and lost interest or motivation over the months.


In my opinion, everything depends now on getting at least 50 more participants in a reasonable

period of time. Only then I think we have reached the point to ask those interested in transferring

some real money...


PS: I am on our Nihonto Club meeting tomorrow so I might not be able to reply before Sunday evening.


Here is where I am. I have been on the same track as Barry, and although he has not seen it, with Adrian too.

But it's a catch 22 situation, trying to encourage sales for an item which at the moment is still only an idea, and also not being able to set a price within a monetary certainty, is a hard item to sell.

But its also a fact, that the points Brian raises about getting firm commitments makes sense, we cannot move forward without the expectation of success or the game is over. Adrian I believe you would want to re-read your submission, you would rather do something and fail etc etc. Act in haste repent at leisure.

I am still not sure, that my request for a second set of books has been recorded, with this in mind Brian is there a possibility of another poll? I don't have the boxes to cast another vote, so I don't know if others and I have been included.

Markus is being over generous, and no one could consider he is a hurdle in any way, and I believe Brian will endorse this thought.

Thanks Denis

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