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Hamon characteristics question


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Sorry for being lazy, but I was hoping I wouldn't have to pour through all my books looking for the answer and maybe someone would easily remember this.


I remember there was a koto smith or school that tempered their blades with a straight suguha in the upper part of the blade (upper 1/4 from the yokote) and then tempered the rest of the blade in midareba or midare.

Has anyone seen this before.




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Sorry I may have not been totally clear. I am only referring to the hamon. The hamon starts as straight Chu suguha and then 1/4 to 1/3 down the blade becomes vivid midareba. I don't recall if the blades have utsuri or not?


Did yokohama Sukesada blades have this hamon?




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Please clearly define your question.


If you are talking about a hamon that starts out at the hamachi as a midare-choji-gunome, than changes to suguha, you are talking about a trait seen in koto Sukesada.


If you are talking about a hamon that starts out at the hamachi as suguha, then changes to a midare-choji-gunome, you are talking about a yakidashi in suguha, and there are many Shinto/shinshinto smiths with this trait.

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Thank you for your replies. I was specifically talking about a hamon that starts at the hamachi as midare and then switches to suguha as it approaches the yokote. I believe kodai sukesada smiths is probably the answer, however rai is intriguing as well.


The blade I have in mind doesn't have utsuri which is what steered me away from bizen.


I will have to take pictures of it and post :thanks: them.




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Thanks everyone, I will take some better pictures and post them. I remember seeing a few different Sue-koto blades with this hamon as well, so it must be more common than I expected.


I don't ever buy swords in gunto mounts, but came across someone who wanted to part with one for a reasonable price. It was in Shin gunto mounts that had a nice coronels knot and a ancestral blade in it. The blade was o-suriage and still around 72cm nagasa so I figured it was worth a gamble. Even though it is out of polish, I was drawn to the hada and interesting hamon, so we shall see. It has a couple rust pits, that may be fatal, but overall in excellent condition. I posted a couple of quick pictures I took, but need to do better ones to really see the hada and hamon.


thanks for the pointers.




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