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Sosho mei help

David McDonald

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Dear Morita and Martin


Thanks Morita san!!!! Now, I am curious - can you read sosho or did you just know this smith?

After using my list of sosho kanji with no luck I spent time just looking at oshigata in hopes I would

see this signature - no luck.


thanks again and if you were closer I would take you out for a beer.

I am not close so --- if you give me your paypal I will internet a beer to you. :)


Martin not sure if I will get to buy the sword or broker it. If broker it then

it will be at the florida sword show.


Can't wait to get home and do some more research on this smith.



david mcdonald


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Dear All that are still reading this thread


So with Morita san help I see


東都 近江守藤原継平造

Tōto Omi no Kami Fujiwara Tsuguhira tsukuri




An’ei shi (4th) Kinoto Hitsuji (year of goat) Sei (year) hachi gatsu hi

1775 year of the goat


thanks again


david mcdonald

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