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Dear all,


I need some help on that one. I got a signed fukuro yari and what I grasped is that it is signed FUJIWARA MASATSUGU and the date is XX 4 NEN. You have here five rows of kanji. I am quite sure that it is a shin shinto yari.

Can you help me on that MEI ? I will appreciate a lot.




PS : please note that picture named 5 and picture named 6 are on the same row.







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Dear Gilles


I see the date as Keio (1865) shi (4th) nen (year)


good luck

david mcdonald


Dear all,


I need some help on that one. I got a signed fukuro yari and what I grasped is that it is signed FUJIWARA MASATSUGU and the date is XX 4 NEN. You have here five rows of kanji. I am quite sure that it is a shin shinto yari.

Can you help me on that MEI ? I will appreciate a lot.




PS : please note that picture named 5 and picture named 6 are on the same row.

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I could not respond to this thread, because there are questions which I cannot understand.


武蔵國 善大良X (Musashi no kuni ......???) I am unsure about the last four characters which seem to indicate a place.

藤原正次 (Fujiwara Masatsugu)

於野州今市造 (Oite Ya-shu Imaichi tsukuru) - made at Imaichi in Shimotsuke province (I cannot understand the additional "於野" before these characters......???)

慶應四年 (Keio Yo-Nen) - 1868

辰八月吉日 (Tatsu Hachi-gatsu kichijitsu) - A lucky day of the 8th month in 1868

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Thank you very much M.Moriyama. Your help was decisive.


於野州今市造 (Oite Ya-shu Imaichi tsukuru) - made at Imaichi in Shimotsuke province (I cannot understand the additional "於野" before these characters......???). The two characters before 於野 were exactly the same. The man who signed was hampered by a gap in the steel and could not write those characters properly. So, he wrote them again below.


Domo arigato gozaimasu

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