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I was watching this video recently: "How to wear a yoroi" http://www.mustlovejapan.com/howto/howto_wear_yoroi/


In the video they say it is possible to wear a katana strapped like a tachi and when I look closely, it looks like there is something with some sort of loop wrapped around the saya.


This topic really intrigued me, so I'd like to ask: Have you ever heard of this. How do you wear a katana like a tachi? Do you have better images or perhaps even instructions?




(@admins: I posted this here because this isn't really about armor or traditionally made swords in particular, but it is related, so chose "nihonto related". If you think this should go somewhere else, please move it.)




I just found this variant also. This is the same way as the sageo is alternatively employed when slinging the sword across the wearers back with the tsuka above the right shoulder. Nodachi style (or Ninja style).




In some images you see the sword, Tachi or Katana, beneath the kusazuri laces, especially when looking at images of ashigaru.


Could you say whether there were indeed two ways to wear the sword, one over, and one underneath the kusazuri lacing ?






I couldn't say with any certainty. This is the only way the illustration shows it and the original illustration (this version redrawn by me), came from Sword and Same' by Arai Hakuseki. He probably pinched the illustrations from an even older volume like the TKZ


Here is that whole page from The Sword and Same.




Most are from Tanki Yoriaku

7 is from Gunyoki

12-13 are from Token Zuko

14 is from Gioku Seki Zasshi


I've tried that style 3, that can be seen better on Keith's 2nd drawing. Although I haven't got a yoroi to test it with, only on top of regular clothing. I really liked the style, felt just like wearing tachi.


Hello Keith,

I guess we all know the Honcho Gunkiko source, which is hold in hight esteem because it is an *old samurai time source*.

But I like to be a little heretical some times: Has anyone of you ever tried to wear a katana mounted sword in tachi style like shown there in img056.jpg or img055.jpg?

It works with the koshiate, but it do NOT work with the simple *cord-loops* pictured in this book.

The movment while walking, running etc definitely loosen the straps and the sword will twist in the loop until it is finally in a much more stable position, edge up!

Try it by yourself!





All, I think it is worth pointing out that most koshiate were worn to protect the wearer rather than to allow a katana to be worn as a tachi. I have one which is a simple pad with two loops and no cords. It was fitted around the saya near the kurigata before the sword was pushed into the obi. In that position it acted as a cushion, preventing the saya banging on the hip bone as you were walking. These items must have been common for the daimyo gyoretsu.

Ian Bottomley

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