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I finished my display cabinet...finally!

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Hi guys, been somewhat busy with work stuff of late, but have managed to finally finish the display cabinet I have been making for the last 6 months....It fits into the wall storage shelves I made at the same time. Its made of American black walnut, with a maple back panel and cherry racks. The Koshirae go in the display section, the blades and shirasaya underneath in the smaller flap down cupboard.















Hope you enjoy looking at the fruits of my labour!


regards, Mark


Well done Mark,

Having seen this on the work bench it is great to see it in place and full. Looks like a great job. I am very jealous of your talent.




Very very nice!


I have been working on the stairway in my house and making it out of walnut. I know how much work you must have put into this- good job!


Thank you so much for all your kind words!


I run my own construction company, and am a carpenter joiner by trade, but since I now spend all my time behind a desk, instead of site, I decided a few years ago, to teach myself furniture making, as I absolutely love making stuff and using my tools, and really missed doing it. The output is a bit slow, but I really love it, its very therapeutic and satisfying making stuff yourself and I just love working with wood. As you say, the grain and character of the wood in the piece is gorgeous.


My favourite wood is Rosewood however, and my next project is this desk, which I am going to copy, but without the compartments on top;


http://www.darestudio.co.uk/products/ed ... ting-desk/


Thanks again for the compliments!


Regards, Mark


Very nicely done Mark! 8)


When I buy a flat of my own, I will require your services. :glee:


Maybe you should make a part-time job of it as most collectors would love a custom made display cabinet, especially when it is done by someone who knows exactly what the hobby is about.


I remember that you mentioned that you are not afraid to use rennaisance wax, so how come you haven't decided to keep any naked blades in the cabinet?


This is what I might end up doing when I get a display cabinet (with a dehumidifier inside probably)


That's a wonderful job. I have a few questions (nothing to do with the outstanding wood craftmanship).


Would not it be possible to put anti glaze glasses?

Are the blades in the koshirae? If yes how do you adjust the necessary dampness for the koshirae lacquer work and the necessary dryness for the blades?


My main concern in Paris is the flat dryness. It is very good for the blades which are kept in shirasaya without oiling, but very bad for lacquer or furniture. Even adding bowls of water under the furniture (cupboard, chests of drawers, secretaries) is hardly enough to prevent furniture cracking :cry:


Oh, what a delight to see! What a rewarding skill to have. Please have a smug thought for the rest of us, who have to fall back on shop displays lol.

Would do credit to any exhibition.




Hi Jean, the koshirae only contain tsunagi, all the blades are in shirasaya. I have them out pretty often, so am able to keep an eye on them, and I know some people frowned on the idea, but I also use Renaissance wax on the blades for protection, instead of choji oil, which I found a bit messy. Once applied it is completely invisible and is easily removed with simple alcohol if required.


Once again thanks for the compliments and if anyone does want something similar made, let me know. The turnaround time wont be quick though, as this is a hobby rather than a career! I can make smaller stuff like display stands pretty quickly though.


best regards, Mark

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