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Dear Gents!


I seem to spend half my free time looking up different mon/crests. This one is placed on a ashigaru jingasa made from nerigawa.

Pretty sure I´ve seen this one before, but for the life of me I can´t find it in any of my books or online :bang:

Clear and simple...HELP!!!! :)








Jan, It is in Iemon no jiten as being used by the Wada family. There is another, drawn with somewhat narrower lines making up the rings ascribed to the Tanabe family. I think yours is the Wada one but cannot be absolutely sure.

Ian Bottomley


Thanks Malcom and Ian for Your help. It´s def a mitsu kanawa. You can order some nice t-shirts with this mon :)

I did a quick search on the Wada. Seems to have been an old family dating back to the Kamakura.

Getting a bit further in samuraihistory I found an Oda retainer by the name of Wada Koremasa 1536-71. Wada had control over Takatsuki castle.

But, I haven´t been able to find any crest similar to the one on the jingasa. Perhaps this is a bit over my head :)



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