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selling koshirae vs. parts


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I have a koshirae which has been assembled for a Bitchu Aoe naginata naoshi. Without getting into details - it is assembled and not genuine, and that is sufficient for me to dislike it, despite the kodogu being OK. Also, I will not commit sacrilege taking an original koshirae apart. If it were original t the sword, I would cherish it and keep it.


Does it make more sense to strip the koshirae of kodogu and sell it one by one (tsuba, menuki, f/k) or sell the whole koshirae?


You can have a look at the koshirae (and the sword, which I keep in shirasaya) here:




My feeling is that selling the parts will bring more money than selling the whole.

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I imagine you are going to sell it faster and probably get more combined total for it if you split the menuki, FK and tsuba up and sell them individually. They are nice as individual pieces but none are matching... Probably goes without saying but keep the saya (+kurigata and kojiri) intact and sell as is.

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