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Locking of threads

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Dear moderators,

recently it seems to me that many threads are locked without (imho) a convincing reason.

Why should a lively thread be locked just because the topic that has been discussed in past threads? :dunno:

If people want to discuss those topics just let them. As long as the are not getting rude and discussing things in a civilized manner, there is no reason to lock those threads up. Everything else seems to lead to censorship. But then again, it might be just me feeling like that.



Hi Robert,

Not speaking on behalf of the moderators but just expressing an opinion. We seem to have run through a spate of threads being locked. I confess I haven't noticed many of those being because a subject has already been discussed although I dont doubt what you say. I think if we have battered a subject to death and then someone who may not have seen the initial discussion decides to ask the same question, it is reasonable to point them towards the original topic and lock the thread. There is little to be gained by repetition.

On the other hand we have also witnessed some threads which start off well with interesting content and then degenerate in to bad tempered egotisitcal arguments. This is to some extent understandable. If you are enthusiatic about a subject which by definition people contributing here are, it is easy to allow that enthusiasm to translate in to argument. This is compounded by the fact that for many English is a second langauge and this can also lead to misunderstanding.

Where I believe the modeators are absolutley right is to lock threads when the discussion collapses into almost childlike finger pointing (dont think we have got to name calling yet) accompanied by a complete inability to accept someone elses point of view might be right and theirs wrong. We have seen too many good posts destroyed in this way.

There is nothing wrong with argument and disagreement provided as you say it is conducted in a civilised and dignified manner. what is unacceptable is when many valuable points are lost as people allow their egos to get in the way.

All the above is to say that the moderators have a tough job trying to walk a central line. While they dont always get it right I think on the whole they get a reasonable balance .


Had to delete my reply Paul - couldn't have said it better myself -- moderators do a great albeit thankless job.




You are young on the board so I am going to tell you when I lock the posts:


- when there are endless discussion and that nobody is going to convince the other party.

- when there are topics which reappear each uear because people don't push the search button.

- when people are nasty

- when the topic is useless, last one I lock was about complains about a website.


Sometimes you don't see posts because they are directly put into quarantine.


I try to be fair, I lock Jacques last topic though I could have deleted it. Btw, I had confirmation from Japanese friend, NBTHK member, that Nakahara sensei was right in about habuchi and nioi guchi being different, in fact habuchi is only a part (upper borderline) of the nioi guchi but that some people now were currently assimilating it.


If you want to carry on these locked topic, you can always carry on by PM or mail.


Some people carry on sending nasty PM to others, things you are not aware of. As the time pass, you will learn to separate good grain from ivy and delete certain PM without reading them knowing who send them :)


I'll lock now the topic :laughabove:


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