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  1. Hello. I need your help to translate the following signatures into a tan to that I believe is Gassan and into a wakisashi that I cannot understand. Thank you very much for your time. Regards
  2. My father passed away recently% growing up I always loved his collection of things especially his Japanese swords. I took this wakizashi apart. I do not know much of these things but I’m trying to get more educated so any help would greatly be appreciated. I also have 2 katanas but I didn’t want to post it all on one topic. I know it’s in rough shape.
  3. There is no signature to my knowledge but a name is Etched on the tsuba
  4. I posted this sword a few days ago, but now I received it and made more photos. What do you think about it? I got it for 550 USD including shipping to Europe. It got a few imperfections, but for this price point I expected it. I know its a very likely a gimei and not from the 3rd generation, but is it a tadayoshi school blade nevertheless? Are the shape of the blade, hamon and kissaki in the style of the tadayoshi school. Pictures are in the Google Drive link: https://drive.google...Yerx0?usp=drive_link How do you like the habaki and shirasaya? I think they pretty high quality for the price. I would be happy if you answer my post.
  5. I have more photos. Much more detail it just won’t let me upload all. These are interesting, the katana has a material in the handle that’s not stingray. And very interesting damage on the blade . The smaller sword is so detailed pics can’t do it justice. Any help identifying is appreciated. Both are signed.
  6. Can someone please help me to translate the mei. Supposedly it is saying: Hizen no kuni Mutsu no kami Tadayoshi Is the mei legit or a gimei. Does somebody know more about the smith or the sword? The sword does not have papers unfortunately. I would be happy to get some answers.
  7. First, I apologize for the poor quality pictures. I'm looking for any information that can be shared. I'm a total noob, at best. Dated to be made ca early 1500. From a private collection in Europe. Unsigned. Has a sticker on it that says muramasa I think? Worth 400 usd? Have great weekend Thanks a bunch Lukas
  8. Hi, my great uncle is a Japanese full fledged sword smith and I’ve been trying to learn more about him, any help, education, etc… is appreciated and needed. Here is the link to the eshop that supposedly has his sword: https://www.e-sword....0810_1138syousai.htm
  9. While studying Muramasa blades, I recently came across a blade on a Japanese sword auction site (no, not Yahoo Auctions, Aucfree, or anything similar) with JTK paperwork attributing the sword to later generation Muramasa with an age around the Tensho era of Japan. I'm familiar with Tensho Muramasa (sandai), but I am unfamiliar with the reliability of the JTK. Can anyone give any insight on the validity of the blade? THe blade does appear to have tanago-jiri nakago, alongside an o-notare nioiguchi, but I lack knowledge on Muramasa's horimono, alongside the difference between Tensho Muramasa and Sengo Masashige. Any help would be much appreciated! Sincerely, Zoglet PS- If substantiated by the details, please don't snatch up the sword. Finders keepers, and this looks like a stunning blade to me (my partner happens to also love the blade's appearance)
  10. I have more photos. Much more detail it just won’t let me upload all
  11. Hello All! I’m new to this forum, I was referred by a fellow member of gunboards. I was wondering anyone would be able to help me get some more information and history on some swords I own. The shin gunto I bought from an English WW2 vet’s son, he told me his father brought it back from Burma. The wakizashi I found in an online estate auction from another vet a few years ago. Both swords are signed. The nice fellow who referred me told me the Tsuba on the gunto was a Gunzoku Tsuba. From what I can tell by Googling it was a civil branch of the military? He also said the sword was refitted for WW2. I’ve attached some photos of the swords, their tangs, and the Tsuba of the Wakizashi. Thank you so much, any insight would be helpful. -Evan
  12. First of all, I like this sword. It checks many of my boxes. It reminds me of another wakizashi that I’m having professionally restored. It’s unpapered and mumei. I think KOTO and suriage. I’m getting Yamato vibes. Am I just seeing what I want to see, or am I on the right track? Nagasa: 51cm (20.2inch) Motohaba: 2.7cm Sakihaba: 1.75cm Kissaki length: 3.2cm Still working on photography. I need a lighting rig. Light and reflections seemed to be battling me on this one. It’s easier to admire and looks better in-hand. Cheers, -Sam
  13. Howdy y'all, names crusader! I may have missed where to put it but I didn't seem an introduction area so I'll put it here. I'm a newbie wanting to get into collecting nihontos, and so I figured I'd join here! I know a bit about the blades and I'm still reading up on them, and I'm slowly saving for my first antique, which I'm hoping to eventually get a edo period or earlier blade. I hope we can get along and God bless.
  14. Hi everyone, I could do with some assistance with this one particular piece. A few months ago I received a wakizashi in shirasaya as a gift, but I've had much trouble trying to figure it out with my available resources. Blade seems to be an O-suriage with possible Machi-Okuri, no visible hamon and a bad polishing attempt to boot. First Kanji seems to be "Kane" While Second Kanji is cut by half, so it could be either "taka" or "Yoshi" to my speculation Does anybody have any idea which one this may be? Any assistance or thoughts would be much appreciated.
  15. I was wondering how old this Wakizashi is and if possible who the smith is? Google translate hasn’t helped me with the certificate.
  16. Have been considering posting this for some time. I have an undated Kanemitsu Wakizashi with Sho stamp. A good sword mate mentioned that it's rare to find a Wak made during WW2 period and maybe only 1 in 100 Wak's fall into this category. I have noticed the odd mention of this on other threads but thought it could be interesting to explore just how 'rare' they may be and how many are owned by members. So if you have one, please post. Mine is an un-dated Nōshū seki jū-nin Kanemitsu saku kore. Nagasa 562 mm Nakago 210 mm Tsuka 245 mm Sori 125 mm Overall length 860 mm Not sure about the authenticity of the tsuba. Randomly picked up at auction a few years ago.
  17. Hello, I recently purchased my second Wakizashi at auction and wanted to see what people’s opinions were on it, specifically the accuracy of the information on the card that was included that a previous owner typed up. It was noted that this was sold in 2004 by Bonhams and I was able to track down the listing from them that had the following information. "Shinshinto; nagasa 39.4 cm; toriizori, chu-kissaki, itame ji, kakikake boshi, suguha, suriage nakago, hitotsu mekugiana, mumei, shirasaya; contemporary koshirae." I'm still very new to collecting Japanese swords so I only understand a bit of this information, how well does it Jive with the typed-up information card, where is the makers name coming from, is it based off characters from the Kogai, does the squared off end mean that it was shortened at some point? Thanks for any information. -Matt
  18. This Wakizashi is signed by Omi no Kami Fujiwara Tsuguhiro, a skilled student of the third-generation Yasutsugu from Echizen. Mei : Omi no Kami Fujiwara Tsuguhiro Echizen Ju Period : Early Edo Blade Length: 53.2 cm Base Width (Motohaba): 2.8 cm Tip Width (Sakihaba): 1.9 cm Base Thickness (Motokasane): 0.7 cm Tip Thickness (Sakikasane): 0.5 cm Blade Weight: 455 g Hamon: Notare Price for Forum : ̶$3̶5̶0̶0̶ -> $3200 + $50 Shipping (with insurance from Japan) -> More pictures and video available (please send a message).
  19. Mumei Attribued to Fuyuhiro Period : Late Muromachi Blade Length : 36,2cm Motohaba : 2,9cm Sakihaba : 2,5cm Motokasane : 0,7cm Sakikasane : 0,5cm Weight : 339g Price for group : ̶2̶5̶0̶0̶ $2300 + $50 shipping (with Insurance, from Japan) More and pictures and video available. Don't hesitate to send a message. Fuyuhiro's lineage is rooted in the Muromachi period, with the swordsmith's family moving to Wakasa province, known today as Wakayama. Fuyuhiro was the son of Soshu Hirotsugu, and his craft was held in high regard, forging blades in both Sagami and Wakasa.
  20. Can anyone help tell me what the name of this sword maker was? I tried to enhance the image as much as possible to make it clear. Also I have a question for those who are more seasoned with purchasing swords... How do you find a person to appraise the swords value and verify it's legitimacy? Help would be very appreciated.
  21. I've been trying to translate the mei on an old Wakizashi my wife's grandpa brought back from WWII. I don't know anything about it and unfortunately can no longer ask where it was acquired as my wife's grandpa is no longer with us. So i am hoping some one here can help me out a little. The research I have done on the translation and looking at other verified swords, it looks kind of like it says Kozuke no kami Kanesada but it isnt an exact match to those either. Can anyone help verify or correct my translation? and also, does this seem to be a genuine piece or is it a later reproduction? I can get some more pictures uploaded later if needed. Thanks, Shawn
  22. Firstly, hi I’m new to the group! Recently I purchased this Wakizashi at auction. Here’s what I know Estimated Period: 1603-1868 (Edo Period) Material: Tamahagane Overall length: 61.7 cm Signature: 神田住兼(*)-Kanda ju Ka from what I can make out 神田住兼常 (Kanda ju Kanetsune) Has a certificate (torokusho) from Japan Estimated value by expert €500 - €700 I’m mostly curious to know if the mei is genuine. I have gather some 神田住兼常 (Kanda ju Kanetsune) signatures myself to compare, I will add them to the post aswell. Thanks!
  23. Dear All, I have a table booked at the Birmingham Antique Arms Fair this coming Sunday. I have some swords, tsuba, books, a yari and a sword chest to sell. Prices will be competitive and I'm open to a degree of haggling so please swing by to try to snag a bargain. Alternatively, just drop by and introduce yourselves. I'll add a list of items and prices shortly and if anyone would like further details or photographs please PM me. Hope that's OK with the mods...and as I'm using the forum to plug my sale, a donation will be made. Thanks in advance for looking.
  24. Hello NMB, I was directed here by a member for any Nihonto related questions I may have. I’m relatively new to collecting Nihonto, and need help validating the authenticity of, and finding a place to restore for my Wakizashi. I’ve been able to identify the signature as that of Yasuhiro’s. However, I’m aware gimei are rather common, so I’d like to see what you folks think of it. I haven’t translated the kozuka yet, and there happens to be two of them included with this blade (I’m aware that at least one of them happens to be added at a later date). Both kozuka match the color and texture of the kashira and fuchi. Dragons are also displayed across both the kashira and fuchi. The rayskin has a rough/hard texture, and has grown brittle from age. The habaki and tsuba were extremely difficult to remove, as there was a lot of dirt congealed beneath them. The Let me know what you guys think, and if it happens to be a gimei, I’d be interested in how to identify such convincing fakes in the future. The previous owner(s) didn’t reassemble it correctly, and most of the photos taken are before I removed the tsuka, and reassembled it properly. Imgur album: https://imgur.com/a/uNMKrkg
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