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  1. Hi, selling 4 Kozuka like shown: 1) Nara, 130 € 2) Nara, 100 € 3) Nara with knife, 150 € 4) Kyo-Kinko, Signature 武蔵国住〇下衛義作之 270 € Motive 1-3 might be Yasuchika School late generation. Shipping from France or Germany at the lowest rate from 5 € Best wishes, Tobi
  2. Hello, I recently found a wakizashi as I was cleaning out my grandfather's shop; this item was likely acquired by my great-grandfather when he was stationed in Japan during the Korean War. I am interested in learning more about this item and translating the text that I have found on the sword and its mountings. There is a signature on the tang that I believe is 備州長船住祐定 / Bishu Osafune ju Sukesada. I have searched the Nihonto Club swordsmith index and I found two signatures that match, one from Choroku/Bunmei (https://nihontoclub.com/smiths/SUK781) and one from Horeki (https://nihontoclub.com/smiths/SUK926). I would greatly appreciate a second opinion on this, as well as any further insights anyone can provide. There is also text on the tsuka, but it's hard to make out, even in person. It looks like there is both an ink marking as well as an inscription here. I figured that maybe someone who recognizes the characters might be able to figure out what they are. The scabbard also included a kogai and a kozuka, both of which have text on them. Thank you in advance for your time. I have attached the images in an Imgur link because they exceed the maximum file size allowed; please let me know if you need me to upload these in a different way, or if you need any different pictures / angles. Images: https://imgur.com/a/G5Wntkh
  3. Could anyone help me please with the significance (if any) of this kozuka? It appears to be a tethered hawk on a perch atop a decorated stand above a recumbent ferocious-looking shishi. The lengthy tether has many loops and tassels at the end. I thought it was an eagle at first - but a little research revealed that hawking/falconry was popular with samurai in Japan and are often depicted on a perch with a tether in paintings and prints. The hawk was considered a symbol of endurance and status, while the shishi, of course, is a symbol of strength, courage and protection. I couldn't find anything relating to a shishi being depicted with a hawk and whether the end of the stand actually is thrust into the shishi is hard to decide. It may simply be two favourite symbols used together to signify that the kozuka belonged to a brave elite samurai! I think the metal is perhaps sentoku or shinchu and there are copper highlights on the hawk, shishi, decoration and cords. If anyone has any ideas I'd be pleased to hear them. Thanks and regards David
  4. Hello again, got these three pieces with their blades. Please, any info is helpful. I believe the one catfish one is signed Norimitsu(?). The older piece with the scholars on it appears to have different colors of metals including silver and gold (I think Regards
  5. Hi , Can someone plz tell if what i buy it is real or not ? Ty 🙂
  6. Hello All, I am in the midst of a restoration project, and require to mount a kogatana into a kozuka. I am wondering what are all of the measurements to keep in mind when looking for such a fitting? Would it make more sense to take the measurements after the kogatana has returned from polishing? Thank you in advance for your input, it will greatly help with my restoration project technical and stylistic requirements. Thank you, Gordan
  7. Stephen

    Kozuka match

    Seen this kozuka thats a dead match to my F/K on mysho (play on daisho). Not a major dilemma but the kozuka I have now on the sho....is a priest like matches menuki priest. Your thoughts?
  8. Hello, I recently uploaded a photo of my kozuka blade that I bought from a flea market, but obviously no one could give information with only one photo. So now I’m uploading better photos. There is a writing on the blade which I can’t read as well. My questions are: when was it made? By whom? And should I restore the gold that has worn off from the handle? Thank you.
  9. Hello Everyone, I recently received a really neat Kozuka with a Kogatana blade that is signed. I just finished taking some pictures and thought I'd share them with you all. This is a little Information from the seller I received: ( if anyone cares to contribute anything please feel welcome) Kozuka jidai (era) : late-Edo period circa 1850's School : Kinko Material : Copper with gold inlay's/overlay's Sizes Kozuka : 97.6 mm L x 14.3 mm W Total length including the signed-Kozuka blade 22.3 cm J. Hoff
  10. Hello all, Its been a while since I posted but I have a piece here that I purchased pre covid at the SFO show in 2019 and would like some insight and/or opinions on it. I purchased this and it seemed like a legitimate piece at first glance, with very finely made details and mixed gilding, but when I got it home and started looking at the details up close with a loupe I noticed a few oddities. Fig 1 & 2 are overall photos of the front and back. The pieces seem to be traditionally constructed and not cast, the elements seem to be integrated with the base and the nanako seems to go 'around' the base of the elements in places (See kogai detail 2). Both pieces are non magnetic. Fig 3 & 4 are close ups of the work on the kogai and kozuka respectively. note that on closer inspection, one can begin to see where the gilding is showing on the nanako on the bottom left edge of the kogai in Fig 3, and there are some 'shiny' spots in the nanako on the left side of the kozuka in fig 4. Notice more of this 'overrun' on the edges of the phoenix element in the kogai closeups 1, 2, and 3. Upon further inspection, examples of this overrun can be seen in multiple other places on the piece, as well as places where the nanako seems gilded, and did not become black (Top right of kogai detail 1, top of kogai detail 6, top right of kogai detail 7, top of kozuka detail 3 and 7) I have considered that the nanako may have been colored in by a metalworking markup dye called dyekem, but I have tested a sample of dykem on a similar surface and it does not seem to be the case. All of this leads me to a few possible scenarios in order of my perceived likelihood: 1. This is a modern fake. 2. This could be a genuine original piece that originally had a gold nanako background, that was 'colored' in later by a owner or dealer. 3. this could be a genuine antique piece, with a construction method that I am unaware of and have never seen nor heard of. All photos can be accessed here: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1ocTp54uHSH8EIH8EX5K-ZPIf8ak5908n?usp=sharing These pieces look very finely detailed in hand and the photographs do not really capture that very well. What are your thoughts regarding these? Thanks for your input, -B.S.
  11. Afternoon gentlemen and women! I usually stay away from fittings as I lack experience in them, but I saw these in a German auction and picked all three up for 200 Euro. Call it a salve for not getting what I was really after in that auction. How'd I do? I thought at that price, I couldn't get burned much. And if I did, its an acceptable loss for what I got. I'd like to know what their motifs and apparent age are likely to be. I know that the solid brass(?) one is depicting Mt. Fuji and that's about it!
  12. A question for the group. Pardon my ignorance, but what do you normally do with a kogatana in terms of polish and restoration? I most often see kogatana for sale in a fairly distressed condition with quite a lot of age and staining on the blade. I have a kogatana in a kozuka that I bought along with my sunnobi tanto to fill the empty space in the saya. I think that the pattern on the kozuka goes nicely with the rest of the koshirae. The blade is almost black. Is there any value at all in having something like this polished? It is signed "Hizen Kami Fujiwara Kuniyoshi" Using the forum's kaji pages, I think it is as follows in kanji: 肥 前 守 藤 原 国 (?) 吉 I know that mei on kogatana are most often false. Thanks for your input!
  13. Hello! Can someone in the group please tell me if there is a particular name for the pattern on this Kozuka? Thanks!
  14. Hi all Thanks in advance for your assistance. I have a Kozuka with a kibata mei and need some help with the translation. Interestingly, I have found an exact of this Kozuka with a mei for mainline goto. Mitsutaka? Waki goto? Thanks. Ian C.
  15. Hi All, my first post and new to the forum. I recently got interested in Japanese swords and fittings. I can buy the following Kozuka with small knife locally for not that big amount of money. Is it original Japanese or is it a reproduction? The backside of the handle also has a dot pattern, not sure if this is Nankoji? Thanks for your help, Sincerely yours, Michel
  16. Large release from my collection – few fine kozuka 1. Fukurokuju and crane kozuka Lovely kozuka with longevity motif. Omote side mostly in usuniku-bori, ura side in motobori techniques. Mumei Price: $600 2. Hotei and Karako kozuka Interesting kozuka in usuniku-bori technique, manji pattern on Hotei’s bag. Very nice work. Mumei Price: $500 3. Dragon kozuka Top class Goto kozuka. Dragon details are exquisite, nanakoji is perfect as it should be. Signed: Goto Kanjo Kao (H 02638.0), Hachirobei line Price: $600 4. Centipede kozuka with kogatana Not often you can catch one. Nice work, centipede running through a rotten bridge pillar. Signed: Masayuki Price: $600
  17. Here is a link to a set of kozuka dinner knives. https://www.ebay.ca/itm/ANTIQUE-MIXED-METAL-Japanese-KNIFES-SET-OF-6-KOZUKA-HANDLE/193146298942?ul_ref=https://rover.ebay.com/rover/0/e11021.m43.l1120/7?euid=bbfbdfa790e4477b9beda38d17993784&bu=43332463097&ut=RU&loc=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.ca%2Fulk%2Fitm%2F193146298942&sojTags=bu=bu,ut=ut&srcrot=e11021.m43.l1120&rvr_id=0&rvr_ts=abe48f6116d0a4d1f4774423fffe4393&ul_noapp=true&pageci=44b806ea-fa03-4bd5-bdaa-ddcf0e24e655&redirect=mobile
  18. Yves55

    Just Acquired

    Went to an auction today... and had to buy these! Any comment / information is most appreciated!
  19. Some members were already very helpful in the topic http://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/22511-just-acquired/?do=findComment&comment=295722 Any other suggestions for this mei? Thanks!
  20. Dear NMB members: I just listed an iron kozuka with kogatana on Ebay with dog and abalone motif. The menuki and tanto tsuba sold. This is the remaining item in the grouping.. The auction link is: https://www.ebay.com/itm/ANTIQUE-Japanese-IRON-DOG-KOZUKA-WITH-KOGATANA-BLADE/273076735509?hash=item3f94a44e15:g:ZfkAAOSw8W5ai1Zp Thanks for looking. Regards, Bill E. Sheehan (Yoshimichi)
  21. Dear NMB Members: Yoshimichi Collectors. I am going to be listing a signed Tamba no kami Yoshimichi kogatana with what looks like sudare-ba and kikusui floating on water hamon for sale on Ebay, but I want to give NMB members first shot before doing so. Most Yoshimichi blades we encounter seem to be wakizashis, so if you have one with koshirae and need a Yoshimichi kogatana to round it out, here you go. The mei is very light, but you can make out the kanji in the light. My pictures are pretty poor of the mei, but it is there. The kogatana is in decent polish with a floating kikusui in the hamon. It comes with an iron kozuka with some surface rust wirh a gold metal cat playing with maybe a yarn motif. It looks like part of the metal on the yarn ball is missing. I will throw in the kozuka box with the deal. PRICE: $425.00 net to me, payable by Paypal ("friends"), plus buyer pays shipping and insurance costs. I also have a set of cat menuki with a similar motif with a padded box. These are small and appear to be tanto size. They look like shibuichi and gold.They are in useable condition and would look nice on a tanto. PRICE: $175.00 net to me, payable by Paypal ("friends"), plus buyer pays shipping and insurance costs. If someone wants both items, the package price is $575 net to me, payable by Paypal ("friends"), plus buyer pays shipping and insurance costs. If you have any questions, send me an email at besheehan@aol.com or through NMB. Thanks for looking. Regards, Bill E. Sheehan (Yoshimichi)
  22. Both of these kozuka are thick solid material, not plated. that's about all I can tell you about them. The spine of the copper one says 千四百五. aka 1405. I think the back says: 千不二六十七翁月人子 富隨X Which I believe the signature is supposed to be from a guy named 齋藤富隨 or Saito Fuzui?
  23. Would appriciate your assistance in translation of this inscribed Kozuka, plus details on maker, style and topic.
  24. Hello all, I'm trying to find a translation for a mei (at least, I think it's a mei) on the back of a kozuka. It's one of the items from my collection for sale at Grey Doffin's website and can be viewed (or bought) here: http://www.japaneseswordbooksandtsuba.com/store/nara-collection/r142-kotsuka-crows-and-waves In addition to the photos on Grey's site I managed to dig up a larger photo of the mei in question: Any assistance would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, Rohan
  25. Hi everybody, A question from a novice. Could anybody enlighten me the reason of the price of 1.500.000 yen for this kodzuka by Teijo (without certificate) fetched recently on Japanese online auction? Any idea what is written on the back? Val
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