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Found 15 results

  1. Hello again, got these three pieces with their blades. Please, any info is helpful. I believe the one catfish one is signed Norimitsu(?). The older piece with the scholars on it appears to have different colors of metals including silver and gold (I think Regards
  2. Hello All, I am in the midst of a restoration project, and require to mount a kogatana into a kozuka. I am wondering what are all of the measurements to keep in mind when looking for such a fitting? Would it make more sense to take the measurements after the kogatana has returned from polishing? Thank you in advance for your input, it will greatly help with my restoration project technical and stylistic requirements. Thank you, Gordan
  3. Hello Everyone, I recently received a really neat Kozuka with a Kogatana blade that is signed. I just finished taking some pictures and thought I'd share them with you all. This is a little Information from the seller I received: ( if anyone cares to contribute anything please feel welcome) Kozuka jidai (era) : late-Edo period circa 1850's School : Kinko Material : Copper with gold inlay's/overlay's Sizes Kozuka : 97.6 mm L x 14.3 mm W Total length including the signed-Kozuka blade 22.3 cm J. Hoff
  4. So, a few months ago I got this "old" tanto in a bad shape. It has a severe chip on the edge the polish is more or less scratched, one scratch is fairly long and well noticeable, the others are really fine, and even in person hard to see. As general information, it has a motohaba of 28,4mm and a motokasane of 6,9mm, the nagasa is 22,65cm, with a saki-sori of roughly 5-6mm. The blade itself is mumei, and has a slight amount of niku. The habaki fits very well and seems to have been made for the blade, it is a genuine "double"-habaki made out of two pieces, and copper if I had to guess, as this has some small pieces of verdigris on the inside. The second one is a little signed kogatana, which I acquired shortly after the tanto, and I am curious to know if the signature is genuine, given the bad shape it is in. It is 2mm thick, 12,6mm wide, and has a nagasa of 11,8cm. I hope to get an age estimation for both, maybe eben an estimate on quality. Generally, just some more information than the nothing I know currently. Maybe one or both are worth getting restored if possible, or is there a possibility to get both estimated professionally? I live in Germany, if this helps. Also, no, I won't touch either of this with anything than a cotton rag and oil.
  5. A question for the group. Pardon my ignorance, but what do you normally do with a kogatana in terms of polish and restoration? I most often see kogatana for sale in a fairly distressed condition with quite a lot of age and staining on the blade. I have a kogatana in a kozuka that I bought along with my sunnobi tanto to fill the empty space in the saya. I think that the pattern on the kozuka goes nicely with the rest of the koshirae. The blade is almost black. Is there any value at all in having something like this polished? It is signed "Hizen Kami Fujiwara Kuniyoshi" Using the forum's kaji pages, I think it is as follows in kanji: 肥 前 守 藤 原 国 (?) 吉 I know that mei on kogatana are most often false. Thanks for your input!
  6. Hello! Can someone in the group please tell me if there is a particular name for the pattern on this Kozuka? Thanks!
  7. Greetings - I was given this by a family member about 35 years ago and know nothing about it. Can someone help translate it and explain more about what it is and where it came from? Thanks in advanced! Shane
  8. Dear NMB Members, my Name is Tim and I bought a Kogatana from the Edo period. Unfortunately I don't know the accurate year, but it is signed and I need help with the translation. Because of the polishing process or just the time the kanji are not that easy to see. I tried to reconstruct them, but I am not sure, if they are correct. In the photos you can see the blade from two diffrent angles and the kanji I reconstructed. Regretfully the third character is nearly completely gone. I would be happy about any thoughts and help with the translation, with best regards Tim
  9. Hello. This is my 1st post and my 1st purchase of a fine wakizashi with kogatana. The main reason for the purchase of this nihonto was the scabbard? which appears to be a bronze/copper inlay showing a running horse. The sword only arrived yesterday and I hope to show more images however when I opened the packing and looked at the kogatana it was signed. Please can anyone assist with the translation, I have began to search through various website of nihonto translation assistance, it is a very difficult learning curve? I have attached the image showing the text, and thank everyone who views and can help/assist with a beginners journey. Thank you. John
  10. Dear NMB members: I just listed an iron kozuka with kogatana on Ebay with dog and abalone motif. The menuki and tanto tsuba sold. This is the remaining item in the grouping.. The auction link is: https://www.ebay.com/itm/ANTIQUE-Japanese-IRON-DOG-KOZUKA-WITH-KOGATANA-BLADE/273076735509?hash=item3f94a44e15:g:ZfkAAOSw8W5ai1Zp Thanks for looking. Regards, Bill E. Sheehan (Yoshimichi)
  11. Dear NMB Members: Yoshimichi Collectors. I am going to be listing a signed Tamba no kami Yoshimichi kogatana with what looks like sudare-ba and kikusui floating on water hamon for sale on Ebay, but I want to give NMB members first shot before doing so. Most Yoshimichi blades we encounter seem to be wakizashis, so if you have one with koshirae and need a Yoshimichi kogatana to round it out, here you go. The mei is very light, but you can make out the kanji in the light. My pictures are pretty poor of the mei, but it is there. The kogatana is in decent polish with a floating kikusui in the hamon. It comes with an iron kozuka with some surface rust wirh a gold metal cat playing with maybe a yarn motif. It looks like part of the metal on the yarn ball is missing. I will throw in the kozuka box with the deal. PRICE: $425.00 net to me, payable by Paypal ("friends"), plus buyer pays shipping and insurance costs. I also have a set of cat menuki with a similar motif with a padded box. These are small and appear to be tanto size. They look like shibuichi and gold.They are in useable condition and would look nice on a tanto. PRICE: $175.00 net to me, payable by Paypal ("friends"), plus buyer pays shipping and insurance costs. If someone wants both items, the package price is $575 net to me, payable by Paypal ("friends"), plus buyer pays shipping and insurance costs. If you have any questions, send me an email at besheehan@aol.com or through NMB. Thanks for looking. Regards, Bill E. Sheehan (Yoshimichi)
  12. I can't decide which one of these two sword I should buy: Wakizashi #676 http://www.juwelier-strebel.de/asien-kunst/Japan/wakizashi-tanto.html Katana #713 http://www.juwelier-strebel.de/asien-kunst/Japan/katana.html
  13. Hello, Can somebody please help me with the translation of the text on the kogatana in the photo? Regards, Marius G
  14. Hello, Can somebody please help me with the identification of the Kogatana in the attached photos? Regards, Marius
  15. I have recently acquired an old Wakizashi Blade confiscated at the end of WWII. The featured piece was one of 5 Salvaged from a pile of swords and other weapons at the Japanese surrender to the Pacific Fleet. As it happened the sailors were each given their pick of 5 and this was one of the five chosen by one such sailor. I have always had a passion for Japanese Fuedal history and the cultural that was developed around the Samurai Sword. Now I own a piece of such history and would like to learn more about where this piece fits in. I have attempted to translate the signature but with little success. the most I could determine was that it was from Yamato Province. I do not wish to sell it. I simply wish to increase my knowledge of it. It was reputed to belong to a Japanese officer but it seems to pre-date the war so I wonder if it is a family blade that was passed down. Can anyone help me to learn who might have made it and how old it is. It will help me decide whether to restore it for myself as a show piece or whether to have it proffessionally restored. https://imageshack.com/i/eyh75Mmwj https://imageshack.com/i/f0fSltdqj https://imageshack.com/i/f0ltUKJ4j https://imageshack.com/i/exX0cvcYj https://imageshack.com/i/pdj3I4tdj I can take other pics if necessary to clarify a particular image. It should be noted that I have done nothing to it. The first 2 pics were an attempt to enhance the images using contrast and various filters. The orange coloration seems to be wax or possibly crayon in another's attempt to decipher the writing of the signature. Any help in this matter would be greatly appreciated.
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