
Gold Membership 6 Months
$30/6 months
Gold Tier Membership 6 Months
Members who upgrade to Gold Membership enjoy the following benefits:
- Access to exclusive themes not available to regular members
- Private message limit of 500 messages (Regular members 150)
- Ability to edit your own posts for 14 days instead of 12 hours
- Ability to create polls
- Can view who reacted to a post and what reaction they gave
- Allowed to use a commercial link in your signature
- Can use search function with only 10 second delay between searches instead of 20 secs
- Can upload 10 attachments per post
- 7.5 Meg per post upload limit instead of 3MB
- Can use an image in signature (800x100px)
- Can have 2 links in signature
- Can send messages to someone even if their inbox is full
- 2.5 Gig total attachment storage instead of 1.5 Gigs
- More reactions allowed
- Support the forum

Gold Membership 12 Months
$60/12 months
Gold Tier Membership 6 Months
Members who upgrade to Gold Membership enjoy the following benefits:
- Access to exclusive themes not available to regular members
- Private message limit of 500 messages (Regular members 150)
- Ability to edit your own posts for 14 days instead of 12 hours
- Ability to create polls
- Can view who reacted to a post and what reaction they gave
- Allowed to use a commercial link in your signature
- Can use search function with only 10 second delay between searches (Usually 20 secs)
- Can upload 10 attachments per post
- 7.5 Meg per post upload limit (Usually 3MB)
- Can have 2 links in signature
- Can use an image in signature (800x100px)
- Can send messages to someone even if their inbox is full
- 2.5 Gig total attachment storage instead of 1.5 Gigs
- More reactions allowed per day
- Support the forum

Dealer Status
NMB Dealers have their own sub forum/section
Dealer status comes with the following benefits:
- Own section of the forum that you can use as your own mini-store or display area for commerce.
Ability to moderate all content in your section (along with current NMB moderators)
This means you can add, delete and edit all posts indefinitely. You can lock topics, remove replies and edit descriptions or pricing. You have control over your section and what is posted there. - You can control replies to your posts. Delete them or hide them. Lock the topic if you are only showing items.
- Post new item when they arrive, delete at any point or edit the price or description.
- Your own forum means you have maximum visibility to your customers and can treat your section like a mini webstore.
- $10 a month is easily affordable even to the smallest seller. 12 Month plan renews automatically if paid via Paypal.
- ONLY to be used for commercial listings. This is not a discussion area and debates or discussion should be limited to questions about items for sale or commerce.
The $120 annual fee covers your store listing in the Dealer Section and the above benefits.
Contributions on successful sale are (like regular listings) completely voluntary but always appreciated.. - PLUS all the benefits of Gold Membership ($60 value)