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Everything posted by oli

  1. Maybe: YUKINAGA (行長), Shōhō (正保, 1644-1648), Bungo – “Bungo no Kuni Kainomoto Yukinaga” (豊後国甲斐本 行長), first name Yashirō (弥四郎), according to tradition the son of the Tenshō-era (天正, 1573-1592) Yukihisa (行久), he lived in Kainomoto (甲斐本) in Bungo´s Ōno (大野), Kainomoto is also read as Kaimoto and also written with the characters (賀井本), suguha, ko-midare, wazamono Hard to see the condition of this blade. Looks its not in so good condition. Did it have Papers? Regards Oli
  2. too small pictures, but the Habaki looks nice. There is also a Translation Section, Regards Oliver
  3. Maybe HISAHIRO (久広), 1st gen., Bunkyū (文久, 1861-1864), Chikugo – “Chikugo Yanagawa-jū Hisahiro” (筑後柳川住 久広), “Shinano no Kami Fujiwara Hisahiro” (信濃守藤原久広), “Yanagawa-jū Hisahiro” (柳川住久広), student of Munehiro (宗広), family name Mutō (武藤), Shinano no Kami Hisahiro had three sons who all signed with Hisahiro, his oldest son succeeded as 2nd gen. Example Katana https://nihontou.jp/.../katana/1578/00.html
  4. Hi, here is another: https://nihontou.jp/.../katana/1604/00.html Very exepensive
  5. https://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/faq/
  6. with the nagasa of 54,2 cm and suriage i think it was a Katana before, or am i incorrect?
  7. Thats learning, and the best way to learn ist to make mistakes. You should also get in contact with other collectors to see more blades. The Wakizashi is ok, it's a original Nihonto with history. Some startet with a Showato or chinese Fakesword. And most collectors in USA have much better opportunities to buy good Nihonto.
  8. Hi, what do you think about this auction: https://www.catawiki...-kuniteru-Japan-1868 ? Didn't find anything about the smith, Regards Oli
  9. You want really judge this sword with this pictures? If you are looking for are military sword it can be fine. If you are looking for a Gendaito or older sword i wouldn't buy it, Regards Oli
  10. Yes i think you are right, sorry
  11. look at the classic Iaito Shops: https://www.seidosho...iaito-sageo-tsukaito or https://tozandoshop.com/collections/sageo
  12. looks like it needs a polish, or?
  13. Koshiare must be made for the wakiyashi. You can buy, Menuki, Tsuba and Fuchikashira from the time. Example for this service: https://nihontoantiq...m/sword-restoration/ , Regards Oliver
  14. About Point2. Naginata was also used in Showa to train young girls to increase the war spirit. Boys trained Kendo, Judo, Karate and qirls Naginata-do.
  15. About 2. : Naginata was used both, from men and women. It depends on the Naginata, the heavy one more for men. I think men used it on the battelfield, and women to protect home. Sorry but must research for source, if its needed. example of existing schools:
  16. is this: https://www.aoijapan...-kore-army-koshirae/ the same Amahide? Regards Oliver
  17. No star stamp only Akihisa on the other side.
  18. UMETADA (梅忠), Chōroku (長禄, 1457-1460), Owari – “Umetada” (梅忠), according to tradition the son of Umetoshi (梅利), it is said that he signed his name also with the characters (埋忠), well, it is also possible that this entry actually just refers to the family name Umetada that had remained after a suriage shortening which cut-off everything but the family name is 梅忠 the correct Kanjis? But it dont look like a Koto Blade.
  19. and for Bruce a stamp, but not really readable, Regards Oli
  20. Hi, did i read this correct showa 19, 3. month? thanks Oliver
  21. oli


    better: the learning continues
  22. Hi Volker, yes its gunsui hagane wo motte. Not so many information about Akinobu: AKINOBU (昭信), Shōwa (昭和, 1926-1989), Chiba – “Akinobu” (昭信), real name Hatano Yasuo (幡野保雄), born 1899, he studied under Kurihara Akihide (栗原昭秀) and worked as a rikugun-jumei-tōshō, kihin no retsu (Akihide), Special Honor Seat at the 6th Shinsaku Nihontō Denrankai (新作日本刀展覧会, 1941) And it would be interesting to see a Akinobu Katana made with Tamahage. But i didn´t find any pictures. Article about Kanetomo: http://www.nihontocraft.com/Kanetomo.html KANETOMO (兼友), Shōwa (昭和, 1926-1989), Gunma – “Kōzuke-jūnin Ryuminsai Kanetomo saku” (上野住人龍眠斎兼友), “Ryuminsai Kanetomo Nyūdō kore o saku” (龍眠斎兼友入道之作), real name Kiribuchi Yūji (桐渕又市・桐淵又一), gō Ryūminsai (龍眠斎), he worked as rikugun-jumei-tōshō and lived in Tomioka´s (富岡) Nanukaichi (七日市), he also made gunsui-tō, kihin no retsu (Akihide), First Seat at the 6th Shinsaku Nihontō Denrankai (新作日本刀展覧会, 1941), chū-saku Maybe both smith have a connection, not shure about it Regards Oli
  23. where are some in Gunto picture thread form Michael. I am waitung for sunny days to make good picture, but i have one closeup for you, Regards Oli
  24. Start with books, look in the FAQ. 14th century or older, in good condition and signature is very expensive. And buy only from trusted source, like here the seller section, or well known seller (look into links) and it should have papers if its so old. Look on https://www.aoijapan.com , to get a feeling about prices.
  25. Yes its is a gunsui-to from Akinobu, very heavy and thick Thank you Oli
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