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Everything posted by estcrh

  1. What I meant was, is there someone who does this, professionally, not necessarily here, just in general, someone asked me and I never heard of this type of service but that does not mean it does not exist. Well Im sure someone here will know if there is.
  2. If you have any pics I would love to see it, yari tanto would have worked good against chainmail or other kinds of armored clothing......I have a yoroi-doshi .5 in at the motogasane, it would certainly have done the job, I will post some pics, and 800 GBP is worth a lot more than $800 but you would be suprised how much the more rare weapons sell for sometimes.
  3. Is there anyone who translates mei for for a fee, I know several people who would rather pay someone for their time than to ask someone to do it for free.
  4. Thanks, except for this one I have only seen them in pictures and then very rarely, and its been stored since being purchased until recently, this is the first time I have actually taken a close look at it. Well they certainly were not made for cutting, it would do some damage to armor or chainmail by the looks of it.
  5. I am out of town right now but I realized that I need to take a few more pictures. Did you see the pictures I posted on photobucket? I have wondered about that myself, if you look at the openings of the tsuka it looks like it was made for this yari but I need to take a better look and see if the saya is the same and how long the yari is compared to the saya and if there were any alterations done. Someone did go to a lot of work to have this made into a tanto though considering that regular tantos would have readily available. I will post some more pics when I get home.
  6. Thought I would share some pics of this interesting yari tanto, here is a link to some more detailed pics. http://s831.photobucket.com/albums/zz238/estcrh/Antique%20samurai%20yari%20tanto/
  7. You are feeding what you say you do not like by replying to my post then it seems.
  8. Todd, if anyone here has a problem giving you HELP because you want to sell your items instead of just putting them on a shelf or in a safe and looking at and holding them tenderly, just send the pics to me and I will help you with research any item I have some knowledge of (except for translations, I really suck at that!). I dont have "twenty+ years" of experience but I do have a "learners permit" will that do? You price them for EBAY and I will bid on any item I have an interest in...I have NO problem bidding against ANYONE and paying a FAIR price or losing to a HIGHER bidder! I cant believe that some people here would make you an offer on an item that they KNOW you have not one clue of its value...shame shame shame! If it were not for you SELLERS there would not be great items for us BUYERS!
  9. I just have some understanding for were Todd is at, what would be a treasure trove for us is a disrupting unpleasant task for him and there are probably a lot of memories involved. Years ago I had the task of selling my parents 40 yr accumulation of art, antiques, jewelry etc, hundreds of pieces that were willed to my sister (thats another story) who could in no way handle the job due to sadness, and she needed the money very badly after caring for both parents until the end while I had a life, I had to stop work for months and try to sell there items that I cared nothing about but were my parents treasure. I had to deal with people pulling at me to sell them things that I had no idea what the value was and researching every one of hundreds of paintings, tools,carvings,furniture, nic nacs etc was overwhelming and time consuming. I wouldnt wish it on anyone......so I just think we should overlook some things under the circumstances. Im trying to be more understanding of peoples flaws in my old age! Im not trying to upset anyone here, I am in awe of the knowledge that is accumulated amount the members.
  10. So you go from attacking Todd to attacking me? Because I am not mean and vicious? Is that what happens after "twenty+ years in the field". I would think that with your "twenty years+ years in the field" you would realize that for some people the world does not revolve around nihonto, they have no understanding or concept of the history here, Todd is one of them, he did not understand the significance of splitting up matched items, he never said he was here to learn, he was honest and upfront about what he wanted, WOW..a couple of pieces got split up...not the end of the world....it happens every day..I see whole matched suits of armor sold in pieces in Japan by people who KNOW what they are doing. Buy the pieces and re unite them if its that earth shattering to you, I would never split up any matched sets myself and do not like seeing it done, but Todd can do what he wants with his items. I gave Todd advice that he did not listen to and I am not mad at him..why are you?
  11. None of us really know if their advise will to be used used in the selling of the item they are offering their help on, and I really do not care, what comes around goes around. If I have some information that will help someone I will give it, someone will eventually be buying that item and it could be one of us and the more info the seller has the better it is for the eventual buyer. Todd was very forthcoming in telling us his situation. He had these objects dumped on him and he really has no interest in them, it might be hard for some people here to understand but one persons rose is another persons weed. Help him or dont help him, its your choice. As for people wanting to buy his items...whats wrong with that???...Todd just has absolutely NO idea what they are worth.....so he is hesitant to accept an offer. I would feel the same way if I were in his situation. By telling us what he has in advance and selling them on ebay we all have a equal opportunity to purchase some of his things. I just enjoy seeing items like he has as they were purchased in a time when there was no ebay or internet making it easy to by samurai items, and very few places in the world sold these kind of items, you had to track them down and hunt for them, his items are a kind of time capsule. Give the guy a break, and if he does not take our advise dont get sore, he is learning...remember way back when you knew NOTHING about these things yourself?
  12. For anyone who has not seen this site there are a lot of great pictures. http://www.Japanese-tsuba.com/
  13. Seems to be some hostility towards goinglower6969, is there a reason?
  14. Ok
  15. They do that in Japan all the time with sets of armor, they break the set and if you want the complete set you have to buy all the individual pieces, which someone can do here in this case even now, you just have to be willing to bid. Its for a good cause....the money goes to grandma!!
  16. Keiko.........Study or practice. The deeper meaning is to return to the origin. Through the study of the past and appreciation for its experience we can understand the present and refine our spirit. I read that "to" means sword but I could not find the two words used together.
  17. This is a knife which I believe is a bashin, it is about the same size as the yari no ho
  18. I do not have it with me (out of town) but it fits in my hand comfortably, I would say maybe 8-9 inches, since there is no Mekugi-ana it looks like it was made this way on purpose. It came from Japan and was called a "ninja yarisaki". But it would not cut, just stab and someone could have had a much better weapon to hide than this and a cheaper one, but I could see it as a bashin type of tool. Thanks!
  19. Sometimes I like the look of the old tired well used ones over the fancy show ones.
  20. ....This started out as a yari but appears to have purposely been made into some sort of tool or weapon, it looks to be very old..I was thinking it may be a form of bashin...which is a utility knife for cleaning horse hoofs etc, with the handle and blade all in one unlike a kozuka. I have never seen another one like it.
  21. .....Some sort of weapon was what I was thinking at first as it does look like a yari. I once bought a new replacement blade for a kozuka from a Japanese seller and he said that his family used to make weapons but now mostly makes tools, same basic methods with some slight differences.
  22. .........Tom I agree with you, and I have seen a something that looks like a cast kabuto wari with a thick sword like blade for sale in Japan, but Don Cunningham uses the words "grinded the ha (sharpened edge) off their wakizashi" and "carried special wakizashi forged with extra-thick dul blades" the words grinded and forged are whats in question here, is this a mistake or just another example a almost lost or forgotten weapon from Japan?
  23. ..............I would have loved to see that, I would imaging that even today if someone found one of these they would have no idea what it was and how rare it would be. Some were, one of these is just sitting on a shelf and the owner has no idea what it is!
  24. I think you are right, thanks! Nice tools by the way.
  25. Any one ever see one of these before? Any ideas...its on yahoo Japan
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