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  1. Hi k morita Please check the attached pics for the blade, the blade looks ok, it's not in top range but still in good shape. Any idea about this smith? because I still can't find any thing against either 兼 松 利 光 / 兼康 利光. Thanks Joe
  2. Hi Gens Recently, I just got a sword which has 4 character Mei as the attached pic, the Mei is clear but it's out of my knowledge because I couldn't find any of the related articles against the Mei and the swordsmith. From the outfit it looks like a WWII sword but it doesn't has time signs like other Shinwa period sword, so please help if any one can provide any valuable comments about the smith, time, history maybe? that will be much appreciated. Regards Joe
  3. did you get what is same to they described from the web?
  4. Hi guys take look this one,http://www.japanesesword.com/Images/Swords/06/1106/1106gunto7/1106gunto7.html is it real? 'cause the blade looks so new
  5. take look this one is it real? the blade looks so new,,,
  6. Hi gentlemen: Does any one had experience with http://www.japanesesword.com are they good? 'cause their swords look very nice, and fair price as well. any suggestions? http://www.japanesesword.com/Images/Swo ... 06KAT4.htm http://www.japanesesword.com/Images/Swo ... 7KAT14.htm are they real? or fake?
  7. Thanks guys, but felt bad now, Is there any article I can read about to compare original with fake Sword? Maybe I won't make any mistake with my next sword
  8. The whole sword (In guntokoshirae) is about 106-109 CM's long It will be highly appreciated if some one could give me more information about it. and how to maintain it? Regards Joe
  9. Here is the strange part, the blade and Mei Please, some one could tell me, does The Mei means any thing? How can I clean up the Oxidation? It's very sharp and cuts my hand when I try to clean it up.
  10. That 's the handle as following, take look There is no Menuki under Tsukamaki
  11. That's how it looks like, wood scabbard and with leather cover for field battles, comparing to the web http://www.h4.dion.ne.jp/~t-ohmura/gunto_034.htm
  12. Hi gentlemen: Recently, I have got a old officers Shin-Guntō (I thought it is) Type 98. But I am a newbie I don't know too much about it. So if some could help me to find out more info about it, that will be highly appreciated. About Mei: the sword had a strange mark on the handle, I will show you the pic in following posts, dose any one has same mark on sword, or any one have idea what's that means? Another favor, if any one could help me to maintain the sword, because the condition of the sword is not so good, and the leather cover became very "crispy" and try, I tried to use some oil to make it stronger and more toughness, but it seems not work, please give me some advises. Highly appreciate. Joe
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