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Jon MB

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    Jon MB

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  1. Apologies, only just seen. No nakago mune markings.
  2. Jon MB


    Correct, Jacques.
  3. Jon MB


    Thank you Okan for the input
  4. Jon MB


    Thank you David. That based on sori? I thought it could be an older piece in Yamato tradition.
  5. Jon MB


    Hello Folks, Does this look like a Yamato piece? Maybe Tegai? Sorry if it's a silly question. Needs a polish, but I like it. More used to seeing Bizen style hamon. Silver covered habaki. Mumei piece. Thank you in advance Jon MB Nagasa: 68.5 cm Sori: 0.8 cm
  6. Just as a technicality, you did buy, which is why you wanted to cancel the order. What you did not do is pay.
  7. Hi, just to add something here, I am the seller. Steve negotiated a reduction of price and made the purchase. He then came here to ask questions, post purchase. Steve then asked to cancel after a 24 hr delay. I have now indeed cancelled his order. If it seems like strange behaviour, I would add Steve has done this to me before. He previously placed an order for a sword, asked to cancel, I was then somewhat backfooted and had to relist cheaper, and then Steve bought the same piece again. Some issues with this person. As to the piece in question, it is very nice in hand, only issue other than the signature is the nagasa was a bit crudely shortened, hidden by the habaki. Item relisted.
  8. Polisher Les said based on pictures he felt the 'crazing' appears superficial and would polish out easily.
  9. Reference to the regulations will of course be interesting, but not conclusive, if regulations were not seriously enforced and manufacturers / retailers offered variations. As was the case with Kyu and Shin Gunto.
  10. Colonial officials' swords were probably not stored and refurbished in arsenals like other ranks' cavalry sabres, so swopping scabbards seems less likely.
  11. It seems that if the 'heart' design on the fittings is not an exact match to Dawson's illustrations on these swords, some feel it must be incorrect. My own feeling is that like Gunto, there were minor variations in decorative features over time, (based on seeing a few examples in person).
  12. Charmingly put, minus the punctuation. So let's hear your assumptions regarding the mismatch.
  13. Respectfully, I had a Nan'yo example and people said the same thing. Not sure I agree.
  14. This item is still for sale. BTW.
  15. Nice to add to the list of known swords from the North China Transportation Company, or as we like to call it, the North China Railway / NCR. Good gateway to resources on the general NCR topic here: https://digitalorientalist.com/2020/11/27/visualizing-north-china-under-Japanese-occupation-digitized-photos-of-the-north-china-railway-archive/
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