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peter last won the day on December 28 2015

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    To-ken Society of Ireland

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    Peter McCafferty

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  1. Thank you for the mention Piers and it always fills me with pride how we where able to reunite the gun to its place of origin, literally. In which sequence where they fired ? Ie , mine and Anthony's ? Well done on what looks like a great event, firing it is on my bucket list 😁
  2. I've added a link with the nakago image
  3. https://1drv.ms/v/s!...JR9k4mLNPBF8V55M-DDm
  4. Good evening I just thought id share a blade with you which has just come back from shinsa, the reason for the post is that the nakago has a quite unusual copper sleeve over the original Nakago. Ive read a few NMB posts tonight on similar extentions. This one looks to be friction fitted ie no visible welds or pins. It has been done exceptionally well with the yasurime from the nakago being mirrored to the copper sleeve, When using a magnet on the copper it would suggest the original nakago to be ubu. I was in 2 minds when sending the blade for shinsa as to whether it would paper if the sleeve stayed on or not and if i did attemp to take it off would it reveal a mei. As you see it was left on as it is part of its history and it papered to Tashiro Kanemoto this Kanemoto is listed as 4th gen shichidaison, “7th gen. Kanemoto Swordsmith: Kanemoto Real name: Tashiro Genichi Also listed as: Genichiro Generation: 4th Magoroku 7th Kanemoto Although being listed 1624-1644 Markus states he had a long career with a blades known to state made at age 89, The NBTHK only states an attribution to the smith but with no indication of date.
  5. Good evening I just thought id share a blade with you which has just come back from shinsa, the reason for the post is that the nakago has a quite unusual copper sleeve over the original Nakago. Ive read a few NMB posts tonight on similar extentions. This one looks to be friction fitted ie no visible welds or pins. It has been done exceptionally well with the yasurime from the nakago being mirrored to the copper sleeve, When using a magnet on the copper it would suggest the original nakago to be ubu. I was in 2 minds when sending the blade for shinsa as to whether it would paper if the sleeve stayed on or not and if i did attemp to take it off would it reveal a mei. As you see it was left on as it is part of its history and it papered to Tashiro Kanemoto this Kanemoto is listed as 4th gen shichidaison, “7th gen. Kanemoto Swordsmith: Kanemoto Real name: Tashiro Genichi Also listed as: Genichiro Generation: 4th Magoroku 7th Kanemoto Although being listed 1624-1644 Markus states he had a long career with a blades known to state made at age 89, The NBTHK only states an attribution to the smith but with no indication of date.
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  6. Amazing display Piers always a delight to see the 100monme letting loose. Well done to all involved Peter
  7. It was great to see everyone again and to see so many wonderful blades and fitting. We'll done to the organisers Ian and Mike and a special thank you to Ian and Nikki for their hospitality. Peter.
  8. Thank you Piers for the information on what looked to be another fantastic days outing for the troupe. Regards Peter
  9. Pm sent
  10. Thank you Steve much appreciated
  11. Lol. Very good.
  12. Sorry Mike for hijacking your thread . Does anyone know the story which these F/K is telling with the man and flying umbrella
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