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Everything posted by Bruno

  1. Thanks Dan! You have better eyes and knowledge than me!
  2. Hi, May I have a translation of this Hozon kantei sho? I cannot read smith or date. I would appreciate more infos. Thank you
  3. How many blades I don't know but over 500 items according to Chris B.
  4. Mine passed 70 points kantei sho. It's fair considering the blade condition.
  5. Thanks Chris. Do you know who is who on the photo?
  6. Literally wakizashi were not reglementary swords within the IJA, the ones existing with a nagasa inferior to 61 cm are more short katana.
  7. SEKI Kanemichi with NBTHK Hozon paper dated 06/01/2016 (already posted on another thread before) https://www.Japanese-sword-katana.jp/未分類/1610-1123.htm
  8. Thanks Bruce! NTHK NPO did papered showato for a short time but not anymore. Anyway, it would be interesting to reference all the showa-to we come across who get papered, not matter the shinsa and when they did it.
  9. Good question! I guess Military groups?
  10. This was done before they instituted their no showa-to policy.
  11. I just asked the seller. Wait and see...
  12. Hi Bruce, It would be of interest to open a new special topic taking a census of all showa-to papered by NBTHK or NTHK, wouldn't be?
  13. Thanks Mark. I have been told a bit more informations recently by Chris B. "The NTHK split into 2 groups after the death of the head of the group. One faction continued under the family and adopted son of the former head, the other faction incorporated as a non-profit group recognized by the Japanese government and continues as the NTHK-NPO. This split occurred more than 20 years ago. The papers being discussed are by the Yoshikawa NTHK group, not the NPO. The NPO publishes a statement in every issue of their journal that states clearly that they will not paper mass produced, arsenal made, showa-to."
  14. NTHK and NTHK NPO is the same or a different organization? Do they issue the same certificates? I am not sure to understand the difference between both.
  15. Hey Bruce, He is Masamichi not Kanemichi. Student of Tokyo Kato smith shodai Masakuni.
  16. Around 500 items will be presented to the NTHK NPO judges during the shinsa! I wish I could be there as I am submitting a sword.
  17. Maybe it is just the photo but nakago looks twisted?
  18. From Chris Bowen : "Friendly reminder! The Chicago Sword Show and NTHK-NPO Shinsa are only 4 weeks away! We have very limited spots still available. If you have any intention of submitting a blade, tsuba, etc. for shinsa, either using our mail in service or in person, I can't encourage you strongly enough to contact me for reservations. Thanks to all who have already made a reservation. I am overwhelmed by the positive response! I will be sending out reservation tickets and submission instructions the end of the month. See more at: http://ejapaneseswords.com/Shinsa_Info.html"
  19. Yes Thomas, both are different swords but by the same smith Masamichi. I guess now Chris B owns the one on the Mark's old post.
  20. Indeed you have it already.
  21. On Takayama-to by Masahiro, there is "always" the polisher's name on the nakago. Seems like a "put together" koshirae by the SHOWA22 specialist...
  22. Hello Trystan, Thanks for the photo. It is always interesting to put names on faces when it is possible. Maybe you are correct regarding the caps, to me Mitsunobu sure has a different cap from the other guys.
  23. Indeed, they could be helpers or maybe ones of the numerous Seki smiths?
  24. Hello, I know it is an old thread but I was wondering if the 2 guys in darker suits (sat on front row far left and middle) are known? Thanks
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