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Everything posted by Bruno

  1. Hi, Kelly Schmidt recently told me he stopped exporting blades more than a year ago. Do you know a reliable middleman/broker who could bid, buy and export outside Japan (to France in my case) nihonto on Yahoo Japan? Thanks
  2. Can't find any Showa era TAKEYASU smith in SESKO book. A meikanmore smith?
  3. Hello, I am looking for an english index of the Gendai Toko-Kinko-Shykukata Soran. Thanks for any help.
  4. Hi, I am gathering the most possible exhaustive list of main Japanese sellers websites who sell shinsakuto. So far I have : https://www.nipponto.co.jp/sword.htm https://e-nihontou.c.../list?category_id=21 https://www.samuraishokai.jp/index.html (No paypal) https://www.aoijapan.../inro-and-netsuke-2/ If you guys know other reliable sellers (who accept Paypal), please share. Thanks
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  5. This same sword was posted en 2021 by a different owner. https://www.militaria.co.za/nmb/topic/34680-translation-signature-on-mantetsu-blade/#comment-510855
  6. Mei looks well made and typical of Mantetsu-to style mei. Habaki is typical of the Mantetsu-to style too. Shirasaya seems of quality and blade has been re-polished post war. I would have been quite a lot of effort to customize a random showa-to just in order to make a fake Koa Isshin-to. To me, it might be legit despite the lack of number on the mune and unusual hamon.
  7. Thanks Steve. I could not find any other mei to compare so most likely fake indeed. More diifcult to spot chinese kogatana than china-to!
  8. Thanks Steeve. Any idea on whose smith he is supposed to be? Or is it a fancy/honorific mei?
  9. Hi, I may read YASU HIRO for the 2 last kanji but would. appreciate a translation help for the whole mei. Thanks
  10. Wow Mal, that was a great offer! Sad I did not saw it sooner!
  11. Shinshin-to smiths are among the category with the most numerous gimei, on the contrary gendai-to smiths seem to be the category with the less gimei.
  12. Finally I found one, on Yahoo Japan. Maybe the brass has been a bit too much cleaned. According to seller description, it is cucumber leaf(?!).
  13. Daniel, Your best choice may be to contact directly Chris BOWEN.
  14. Takeo SEKI : togishi1@gmail.com Takeo SEKI may not want to polish it since it is not traditionally forged. Then I would ask Woody Hall in Nevada or Benson in Hawai.
  15. Still looking for one.
  16. Nice find Bruce. I wish I could find a tsuba like this one.
  17. May I ask who polished it? Any photos?
  18. Shawn, Woody told me more or less the same regarding my Mantetsuto, it was 2 years ago. He won't polish standard showa-to but may do exception for well finished ones. I reach him on Messenger but can ask him more details to contact him if you need.
  19. Woody Hall would do a fine polish on it.
  20. Listed as Showa smith but as RJT though. Must have entered late. Minor smith. Kawashima Tadayoshi group
  21. That 's about that also for me concerning another WW2 blade he has at the moment. I am a patient guy, not a problem for me to wait.
  22. Hi Bruce, I delayed this project. Eventually Woody Hall shall do the polish but he has a 60 swords back log, so it won't be polished tomorrow!
  23. I wonder how many points it got on the work sheet.
  24. Still a nice sword that worths to be preserved with care.
  25. NBTHK does not have a work sheet with a score of points like NTHK NPO does. They give the same hozon paper to a showato and to a good gendaito, without making any difference. It demeans all papers by lowering the standard.
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