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Chris Davies

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    Samurai Armour

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    Chris Davies

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  1. Thank you all.!! I’m compelled to learn as much as much as I can. From an appreciation and love of real samurai armour… And now with a group of people who know, understand and appreciate real historic armour. 😁 koberi 小縁 translate as “Little stitching” ??? 👍🏼 Regards Chris x
  2. Enhancing the “trims” on my Haidate as the printed pattern is quite faded. See photos. Any thoughts? Question. Part names of Haidate. The leather reinforcement strips I think are called chikara gawa. But are the additional edge trims (as added on some examples) called Kawa Fukurin? Also, is there a name for the “cross and grass” motif? And what’s the origin of this pattern? Thanks 😁👍🏼 Chris
  3. Not all my work. Maybe half. Eboshi Kabuto and dou are Iron Mountain. The armour on the right 1960’s replica with Edo period Osode. Recent additions are scratch built “tatami” mats on wheels and stands for the suneate. Two of my pet hates are suneate falling over, and not getting at the back to clean 🤣
  4. My “collection” to date.
  5. Hi, Thanks all for positive comments and encouragement 😁👍🏼 Bugyotsuji. The plastic “click” buckle is an experiment. Fed up having to tie hakama for Iaido 🤣… and next job is add restraining tabs to the haidate so not flapping about. Uwe. Everything is built from scratch and added a couple of photos of them. Also another Haidate photo of the cord now added. And “lifting” the detail on the leather trim. Regards. Chris 🙇🏻
  6. I’ve “built” a set of sengu armour (that fits me 😁) from scratch and learned loads along the way. Photos at attached
  7. I’ve noticed on some haidate a cord that twists across horizontally above the plates. As seen at the bottom of the attached photo. It seems to me it might be there to pull the top horizontal chikara gawa strip in, above a bump, but that’s only a guess. I understand the reasons for all the components of the different types of Haidate. But this “string” has got me confused. If anyone can explain for me why it’s there, and what it’s function is, I’d be very grateful 😁👍🏼
  8. Many years ago I had the pleasure of meeting Mr Ian Bottomley at Leeds Royal Armouries. I had a fledgling interest in samurai armour, and his kindness and appreciation of my interest, made me feel welcome. And now has grown into a lifelong study of the subject. Thank you Mr Bottomley x
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