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  1. It's a beautiful sword, but I'm specifically looking for a blade that has accompanying koshirae as well. From what you're implying it seems like you think the one I linked is over priced?
  2. Hi all I’m new here so feel free to let me know if this is posted in the wrong place. I’ve been watching a few sites for a number of months now waiting for something of interest and seem to have come across one that’s in my price range and aesthetically what I’m looking for. It’s a mumei blade with old papers and I know Aoi is a reputable dealer, but am pretty much just wondering if anyone has more insight into this katana and koshirae above what is stated in the listing. From what I’ve seen bohi on koto katana seem to be a quite a bit less common than on blades after that period, but there’s no mention of it being a later modification to the original sword, nor does it appear to be. https://sword-auction.com/en/product/25432/as23735-katana:mumei-shimosaka-nbthk-hozon-token-mumei-ujifusa-nbthk-tokubetsu-kicho-token-koshirae-nbthk-tokubetsu-kicho-tosogu/ Thanks in advance!
  3. Hi all. My Name is Akash. I've been a bit of a nerd when it comes to historical firearms and own a few old rifles. Always had a fascination with swords, but nihonto more specifically. Might be kind of a weird one, but I'm getting married this summer and as per my own culture's tradition I'll be carrying a sword of some sort with me. While not typical, I've decided to carry a katana so I have been doing some research and would prefer to buy an antique rather and a modern blade or a replica. A bit of a story about why. My grandfather was an important and respected figure in his community back in the day in India. As a thank you for helping out a WWII vet friend he was gifted a katana back in the 1950's. Unfortunately it was lost in a fire sometime in the 80's, but by all accounts it was something he truly cherished. Since I'm really a complete novice here, I was wondering if there is a particular place where I could post asking questions about particular blades that I'm interested in and if they're "good" or not (essentially a fair price). Cheers
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