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  1. Thank you for the advice! It appears to already have some tape stains. (I'm assuming) but only on one side of the saya. The splits seems to be vertical on both sides. I had added some pictures to another reply on here.
  2. Hi, sorry my name is kevin. I'm still pretty new to the whole forums thing. It does appear to have what looks like some tape marks on it already. So, assuming someone might have done this at some point in the past as well. The tsuka seems to be split on one end and the saya almost runs the full length on both sides. Sorry if I mispronounce anything, I'm still learning.
  3. Would i have to split it open wider too apply it? Probably a silly question i apologize.
  4. Hello. I had just gotten an antique shirasaya wakazashi and the seams seem to be splitting apart. What would be a recommended way as to repairing this? Not sure if any wood glue would be appropriate or not or if it is what would be a good method at applying it into the seams. Thank you.
  5. So if it were shortened wouldn't the groove be further down as well? And it being from a vet who brought it back from ww2 I would think that would make sense as well. Non of the fittings really fit and just slide off. The scabbard seems to be more modern and fits the habaki well but the habaki doesn't really fit the blade. Also the scabbard seems to be made of old cheap wood that was at some point glued together maybe because both sides have come apart and the only thing holding them together really are the 2 metal rings.
  6. Here is a better picture of the signature
  7. Okay thank you. I tried in this forum but it didn't give me any more space to post photos so wasn't sure if it was per account or how it worked
  8. Also, is the blade being so slender at all odd? I think a quarter might even be wider thar it is. I always imagined they were all made with a wide blade
  9. Thank you for the help George! The whole forum thinknin general is all new for me. Do you have recommendations on which pictures would be the most important to share? Aside from the tang? Also, would deleting them from the other post allow for more space? As of this post I have a 2mb limit so I couldn't post any other pictures. The blade has many scratches and some spots of black rust. And some very small black "pits" it looks like. Thank you!
  10. Sorry if this is not allowed. I'm new to this whole thing and appeared to have reached a limit on posting photos. So had to share the link. I do apologize
  11. So, not sure if this is the correct place to ask. I don't know much about these. This was a ww2 bring back I got awhile ago. And sorry in advance I don't know the correct terms for things but I'll try my best to explain. First the handle, and tsuba? Pretty much all the pieces on this sword are lose and don't really fit so I'm assuming they're not original to it. The blade itself is about 58.4 cm long, I also find it a bit odd it's only about 1.5cm wide which seems a little slender compared to what I'd expect it to be. And the handle measures 19cm.
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