After much contemplation and trial and error I have finished off the axis pin. I first tried the rolling method using a piece of sheet brass taken off a brass 12g shotgun shell rolled around a 3mm drill bit, which worked but the brass was too thin, about 0.2mm. Instead I rummaged around my bits boxes and found a 4mm brass tube with 0,5mm wall thickness - perfect!
I cut a 3cm section, slit it down one side, annealed with a short blast of the blowtorch it to make it pliable and then gently hammered it on the 3mm drill bit to make the sides of the slit meet. The diameter was still slightly too big for the hole in the pan so I used the hole itself as a die to size the brass tube down to the right diameter by tapping it through.
On the lathe I cut down a piece of bar stock to form the axis pin head, inserted the brass tube and soldered it in. All that remained was shaping the head with hand files and fine grit paper, drilling the cross hole for the wire and trimming the pin to length. 😊
Ammonia patination next and then it’s making a new stock cap 💪