Hello... My name is Brian Todd and I'm pretty new to the Nihonto scene. I've always had an interest in martial arts, eastern philosophy and history, but I never thought I'd get this into Japanese arts and the arts of the samurai.
My involvement with nihonto happened purely by coincidence. One of my friends makes arrowheads and he wanted me to build a site for him. We got to talking about the site and as we talked... the premise for the site evolved into buying, selling and consigning "savage" artifacts, art and antiques from all over the world. I'm still in the process of setting up the site, but the initial setup should be complete pretty soon.
Anyhow... I live in Florence, Oregon... It's on the coast just west of Eugene. I live with my girlfriend and we have a baby boy on the way. I used to work in construction, but I've been laid off ever since the economy tanked this last January and good jobs are hard to come by in a small town. Now I'm creating my own venture with my friend and we're looking to develop our own business, which is, basically, going to be a brokerage of artifacts and antiques. I also work part time for a restaurant and a hotel, but that's that. Not very interesting or exciting. Otherwise, I'm interested in golf, MMA, the Seahawks, playing texas hold em' and pretty much anything else that's recreational or entertaining. That's about it for me... Nothing too exciting.