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Everything posted by Ran

  1. Sentoku Fuchi ,Kashira wakizashi, tanto size 650€ +shipping cost
  2. Hi everyone Help requested for translation Soten tsuba mei. Vendor translation Koshu Hikone-ju- Mogarashi Kitagawa Nyudo Soten-sei . Other translator Resident of Hikone in Goshu province--Made by Mogarashi Soten. Thanks Ran
  3. Ran

    Tsuba for sale

    Hi members I am selling a pair of tsuba and menuki Sentoku tsuba shoki and oni with kao 7.17 x6.77 cm large with box 650€ + shipping cost. Iron tiger tsuba with may not checked 6.5 x 6.15 cm with box 750€ +shipping cost 1pair menuki tiger with cub 4cm 1pair samurai menuki 3 cm with box 750€ +shipping cost 1dai-sho set dragon menuki with nbtk paper 1300 € +shipping cost with box. Only to be shipped within Europe. More pictures on request. Translated by Deep-L. Greetings. Ran
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  4. Hallo leden Ik verkoop een paar tsuba en menuki Sentoku tsuba shoki en oni met kao 7,17 x6,77 cm groot met doos 650€ + verzendkosten. IJzeren tijger tsuba met mag niet gecontroleerd 6,5 x 6,15 cm met doos 750€ + verzendkosten 1 paar menuki tijger met welp 4cm 1 paar samurai menuki 3 cm met doos 750€ + verzendkosten 1dai-sho set drakenmenuki met nbtk-papier 1300 € + verzendkosten met doos. Alleen verzending binnen Europa. Meer foto's op aanvraag. Vertaald door Deep-L. Groeten.Hi members I am selling a pair of tsuba and menuki Sentoku tsuba shoki and oni with kao 7.17 x6.77 cm large with box 650€ + shipping cost. Iron tiger tsuba with may not checked 6.5 x 6.15 cm with box 750€ +shipping cost 1pair menuki tiger with cub 4cm 1pair samurai menuki 3 cm with box 750€ +shipping cost 1dai-sho set dragon menuki with nbtk paper 1300 € +shipping cost with box. Only to be shipped within Europe. More pictures on request. Translated by Deep-L. Greetings. Ran Ran
  5. Thanks you for your help Steve Ran
  6. Hi everyone Can anyone translate me this hakogaki Thanks so much Ran
  7. Tanto has been exchanged Ran
  8. Hi everyone Thanks for the information Ran
  9. Hi Lewis B Paper nthk kantei-sho on Koshirae Blade according to dealer Gassan school Ran
  10. Hi Tanto bought in 2014 at ciney dealer price was 6500€ bought for 5000€ Lowest selling price 3500€ Ran
  11. Hallo Voor ruilen deze tanto heeft schade aan de boven- en onderkant van de saya De vos afbeelding is intact ondanks de schade het is nog steeds een goed stuk was een dure aankoop om te ruilen een zeer goede tsuba katana maat alleen serieuze biedingen sorry deze aanbieding is alleen voor europa vanwege belastingen en verzending Groeten Ran
  12. Tanto will soon be posted to trade department Ranl
  13. Thanks mark envelope received today Ran
  14. Hello NMB I am looking for a Tokubetsu kicho envelope for kodogu if anyone has one for sale please let me know Kind regards Ran
  15. thanks kurikata for the good response Ran
  16. Thank you, I see we have the same birthday, mine is 8/11/1956. Many happy returns of the day, have a nice birthday. Ran
  17. Hello Can someone help me whith the translation of the kao from this iron nara school tsuba size 68,5×67,1mm Thank you Ran
  18. Ran

    Japanese sword books

    Thanks for your feedback. I have been too quick selling the books to another person, but you did not answer my mails for a few days so I thought by myself that we both made a mistake. I hope this will end the discussion. Ran
  19. Ran

    Japanese sword books

    Christie's books sold Maurice
  20. Ran

    Japanese sword books

    Christies gereserveerd Maurice
  21. Hello For sale 2 books important swords from the museum of Japanese sword fittings for both books 100€ plus actual shipping cost. Richard Fuller book whith tassel 225€ plus actual shipping costs. Best regards MAURICE
  22. Hello For sale katana kake asking price is 350€ plus actual shipping cost Best regards Maurice
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