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  1. Hi Bruce, Thanks for the maker information, there are no other marks
  2. Hello, I have had another Shin Gunto come my way, I would again like your opinion on it as I do have some concerns, Apologies if my pictures are not up to scratch can take more if required. I am not sure if the Kamon is a later addition? The condition of the scabbard is great but maybe too nice and was thining that it may have been re-sprayed, another issue I have are the two holes drilled in the tang or the placement there of. Finally if you can help out with the translation of the makers signature that would all be a great help.
  3. Thanks for all the very useful information on this sword far more than I could have hoped for. Certainly interesting that you think this was a 1935-38 produced blade I did not think it was that early.
  4. Hi Thanks for the feedback here are some more images, I am having problems uploading the others,
  5. Hi I am not a collector of Japanese shin Gunto, but found this and wondered if anyone would give me their opinion on whether you think if this is an original sword and if so helping with the Translation of the Mark on the Tang. Any help would be most appreciated.
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