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Everything posted by KungFooey

  1. Aha - maybe time to come clean. Dan, you asked how I knew which car you drove. Nothing 'cloak n' dagger', I promise - I just looked up your book on Amazon (shown above by Sam) and spotted the following. You've self-published two books on two pretty obscure subjects - nothing wrong with that. But then you've given them both identically worded 5 star reviews under the name 'Paul'. (The only reviews either book has gotten.) 'Paul' also gave reviews to accessories for a Jeep Gladiator Overland - the car you said you own. Bingo. Sorry to do a "Murder She Wrote" style Jessica Fletcher reveal but this whole thread has become an obsession leading nowhere fast. I'm honestly not trying to rub your nose in it but, if you have to give fake reviews to your own book under a fake name, you can't really be very confident about your own theory or argument, can you? Dee
  2. What happened to the blade?! 😳
  3. KungFooey

    Military tsuba

    Hi Dale! I think those are the type that have a leather collar or seppa with a strap and popper. It goes through the hitsu and then snaps on the leather combat cover. (Maybe?) Dee
  4. "Anyway, the seller hasn’t shipped it to me yet from Japan." I think he's having to superglue it back together first. 😉 (Sorry - my bad!)
  5. Hi Dan, You just don't seem to get it that a real big part of the attraction of a hand forged piece of ironwork IS the flaws - the visual evidence of the artist's sweat and labor. Creativity and artistry born out of iron, fire and anvil. Why do you think nobody collects wrought iron railings? I do respect your interest in this field but it honestly feels like you're trying to ram it down everyone else's throats. Just sayin' Dee
  6. It's ok Sam - you can call it out in English, rather than pussyfoot around. Many here can't read Japanese and they also deserve to be warned if something's shady. Dee
  7. The writing on the saya looks really fresh for Kanzan Sato as he died in 1978. Dee
  8. Hi Hamish, Maybe a nail varnish remover would take it off gently? If I can use it without melting my hands, I'm pretty sure it wouldn't remove patina or even rust. You need to get it off one way or another or it will promote the spread of any rust already under the varnish. Good luck!!! Dee
  9. とても面白い剣ですね!
  10. Hey Dale!!! I was hoping you'd chime in! Yeah, those 'drops' of brass or copper are weird - almost like they were on the anvil as the maker was beating the hot steel and got stuck on the surface. In the seller's photos I thought they were blobs of rust. Your theory is a real possibility. Thanks as always! Dee
  11. Hi John, The thing I most respect is honesty - so thank you! The fact your comment got two 'likes' shows two folks agreed with you but were maybe scared of offending me. I say "Let it rip guys!" I'm not some 'delicate flower' looking for flattery - quite the opposite in fact! 😂 If I mess up (like the cast tsuba), I immediately admit it, laugh about it, hopefully learn from it and move on. If I believe I've made a good choice, based on research and logic (like the Akao Yoshitsugu), I'll fight my ground and, if necessary, use the NBTHK as a last resort. This one? I just like it whatever it is. It's made from a non-homogenous forged plate with very delicate, linear engraving and well shaped mimi. And I think the cutting of the two holes looks just fine. But thanks again!!! Dee
  12. Thank you Sam! I truly hope it's as nice as we both think it is but I also respect John's comments below. I'll show you more when I get it in hand. 😊 Dee
  13. Thanks for all the input guys! I feel really bad now. No good deed goes unpunished, eh? 🙄 Dee
  14. No problems, my friend! Now firmly in my sights. 👍 Dee
  15. I'm changing this post based on all the comments it has garnered from the military experts below. I originally put it up in good faith although gunto (and swords in general) are not my thing. However, I sure don't want to be responsible for anyone being fleeced out of two grand - especially at Christmas! So instead of asking the admins to take the thread down, I'll leave it here like this as a warning. Sorry guys!!! Dee https://page.auction.../auction/h1042502132
  16. I'm CIA, Tsuba Division 😉
  17. Hey Dan, With all these hundreds of tsuba you buy, no wonder you need a Jeep Gladiator Overland to carry them! 😉
  18. Hi John! There's absolutely no need for the family to get shinsa papers in order to keep grandpa's sword - all they need is the torokusho. Then everything is legal. A hozon certificate is just icing on the cake for grandpa's family when they want to sell it along with all his medals. 😥
  19. Actually, Showato do paper.
  20. This has been painted gray, presumably to hide rust. They forgot to mask off the copper inserts and (presumably) shakudo plug.
  21. And, as usual, I know very little about it apart from at least it's not cast this time. These are the photos I just got from my brother (as he gets all the stuff I bid on In Japan). Based on the pictures, there's only a little rusting but there are a couple of strange random blobs of what looks like copper or brass 😳. I got it because I liked the shape, the forging structure throughout the steel and the sunburst pattern lightly engraved on both sides. Dimensions are: height 78mm, width 72mm, thickness at mimi 3.2mm, thickness at seppadai 3mm. Any thoughts on school or time period (looks like late Edo to me) will be gratefully received. Thanks!
  22. If something is a blatant heap of crap from word go (which is the inferred state of all Kazu Uchi Mono), then I don't think it really matters how well is cared for - do you? Dee x
  23. Totally agree Alex! Below is what one of the real stinkers looks like. I don't see anything like that in the sword under discussion.
  24. Really noble intention, Simon - but the Japanese hate being reminded of any humiliation. They would much rather forget it ever happened. I guess what I'm saying is that you may accidentally open up an old wound. Dee
  25. Being a tiny minnow, I look from the side of the tank and watch the show. Dee
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