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Pierre F

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Everything posted by Pierre F

  1. Thank you Adam, you are right he is very famous ... for obvious reasons... I inquired in the meantime (unfortunately after my post) It is reassuring that certain criteria of artistic quality are objective. This is not always the case in my very humble opinion... for example for architecture... anyway I'll try to find the Swordsmiths with a "similar" style... If you have any names to submit or whose qualities are remarkable, do not hesitate.
  2. Thank you very mutch for your feedback. I was hoping that it could be useful/ interesting/ appreciable for some. I'm pretty crazy about the "jigane" (grain pattern) I'm nor sure if it is the right word. However, do you know a swordsmith "Norishige" (apparently a Masamume student) mentioned in the video bellow : I believe this "Mitsukawa Hada" is absolutely incredibly beautiful... Is there other swordsmith/school have something comparable ?
  3. I'm sorry if you knew this, I found it fascinating.
  4. Thank you Brian ! I believe the translator and Word assistance is the "perfect" wizard here ;P
  5. Just for information, browsing the forum, I went to the FAQ section --> Care and Maintenance section --> How to disassemble and examine a sword the link there (http://www.nbthk-ab.org/Etiquette.htm) is broken. I believe the new website is http://www.nbthk-ab2.org But I'm not sure if i can find the same "excellent article" there and if it is the same website. Sorry to bother, but because I know nothing ...I ask Pierre
  6. Hello everyone, I obviously just registered on this forum and wanted to tell you that I'm glad I did. As part of the arduous task of developing my (very, very modest) knowledge of Japanese swords, I often came to this forum. After consulting it countless times, it is obviously ,thanks to its members, a mine of knowledge and nice place for talking and learn about Nihonto. I have seen thousands of pictures of swords but very little in real life. A few years ago I saw in a museum a Japanese sword that I never tired of looking at. A few weeks later I visited the "Cluny Museum" in Paris and when I saw the European medieval swords, they appeared to me like old heavy and rusty nails. The technical and artistic domination of Japanese in making swords seems to me to be dazzling. Only right combination of passion, talent and a the "long term" can lead to that kind of artistic, historical an technical perfection. I believe passion is the only thing we need and I hope to share this here with you. PS: I'm 43, live in Switzerland (the French part), have 2 kids, many passions (my kids and wife, food, piano, history...) (Please accept my apologies for my very sad and poor English)
  7. It's fascinating. I didn't know, I'm pretty sure I didn't understand everything. I would read it again. thanks OceanoNox.
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