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Pierre F

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About Pierre F

  • Birthday 12/25/1980

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    Cooking, music/piano, history/geopolitics...

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    Pierre F

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  1. Tintin is the best ;P all the character are fabulous (including Milou the Dog) ! I didn't visit the Hergé museum in Bruxelles yet but following your recommendation, and because this "culture" is mandatory for my children... i Will ;P
  2. Magnifique nouvelle .... merci pour le suivi de cette histoire et son "heureuse" conclusion ! Comme dirait l'inénarrable professeur Tournesol Tryphon " tout est bien qui finit bien"... bien que les services de la poste semblent bien trop a l'ouest ;P
  3. Thanks Lewis. The article and your comments are clear.
  4. Thanks John for the information... i didn't know about it.
  5. Thank you Adam ..il is very interesting... Many thanks for all your answers. I'm convinced ... i need to see more blades ;P if i can i will go to Utrecht in June... I wish you a nice evening and once again a great year to all of you !
  6. Just saw your answer Jussi, Thank you for these informations. I believe this "comparable" sword should be better in all aspects except the ... price ;P Alex, your experience and " travel" in the nohinto area, let you think what you think. And obviously you are right. We all learn in different ways...often with mistakes but most important, we lean about ourselves and what we can live with or not...I dont see nothing pedantic but simply the experience of shaping your tastes/sensitivity and knowing yourself. So my problem is i dont have your experience (this is the main reason l’m on this forum) and I dont shape my "taste". If a "perfect" objectivity exist... is it very very hopeful that we are all different ;P
  7. Alex do you have reason to think attributions are often wrongs ? If it is the case I perfectly understand your arguments about known history. Lewis... i will not say the older the better but in a way that's what I think ;P but of course there is other factors.
  8. Thank you for your good advices. I am not obviously convinced that I am ready to buy a sword. Claiming to have an affinity with this or that era/blacksmith would not be true. There are swords that I find beautiful and others less so... And it's not necessarily related to the price or reputation of its blacksmith. Shouldn't we have a sword in our hand to know it, appreciate it and study it? There is no real desire to own. Simply the privilege of seeing a piece of history up close and for an extended period of time and asking questions and perhaps finding answers. A piece of history that would pass through my house and that would be restored having been preciously preserved. I think, after reading several books (not always the right ones) and spending a lot of time reading and watching, that I need to touch to continue my learning curve. But maybe I should go to Utrecht ;P As a "conclusion", I would use the words from another "For me it is thinking about the romantic history behind them."
  9. I can't explain why I like it .... It is old ...but dont look too old...I like the grain of the steel (for what I can see on pictures) , I like the fact that it has bo-hi.. the hamon look nice. I can't really explain but this sword intrigues me. I don't know if I can say I like it... I just wanted your opinions on maybe why I shouldn't like it ;P I can see it is not on the original shape and probably strongly shortened...In fact, you will undoubtedly see innumerable flaws... hence my question
  10. I wish you all a wonderful year for 2025 ! (I hope the timing is still acceptable for this wishes) As a good resolution, I would like to try to acquire my first blade. Well in fact I've been wanting this for almost 2 years... but as you know better than I do... there is so much to know... Well and then to search and learn, isn't that ultimately the real pleasure. I'd like to have your comments about this sword ... I voluntarily prefer not to say anything about it with a more "raw" opinion and spontaneous opinions. Once again all the best for you all and your families. Best regards,
  11. I'm really sorry to read this thread. I share similar experiences with the French Poste (nothing comparable to this Tanto).. Obviously, like many other public services in France is not what the were and what the should be. I sincerely share your vexation, frustration, anguish and sadness. I cross my fingers that I can't light a candle and think of St. Antoine de Padoue. During my search, if i see something you can count on me for telling you. Please keep us informed about your misadventure ! J'ai le sentiment que cette histoire n'est pas terminée et demeure convaincu qu'en tapant aux bonnes portes, a la poste, il existe des personnes qui prendront le sujet a cœur... Haut les cœurs et courage !
  12. Thank you LewisB, Benjamin, Michael, Jean, Benjamin... for your answers. I learn from your answers ;P
  13. Hello everyone, I was wondering if by any chance some of you would have answers to the questions I have about the weight of swords. Indeed, I note considerable differences in weight between swords of similar shape and length. I seem to notice that the older swords (13xx and before) seem to weigh less than the more recent swords (1800 and later). -Would you know if it is the steels used that can explain this ? or -if it is the successive polishing that can explain the loss of 30% or more of the weight of a sword (again on very similar dimensions). Or more simply my "observations" are wrong and there are for example 13xx swords of 70 cm that weigh in the 800 grams... I'm sorry by advance for this question ... thank you by advance the good soul who could take time to read and eventually... answer my question. Thanks ;P...
  14. Ok thanks for your reply Brian. That's why I saw some sold swords on the Sale section and some times not.
  15. Thank you for your answer. This is ...let say "strange" to me that signature can be propelling an object has a completely different value.... Would this not be, in a way, an admission that the attributions are only of relative reliability ? Jake, I'm glad this sword found a happy "family"... I found it very nice on pictures . Jake, I'm glad this sword found a happy "family". I was wondering, but this is probably a misplaced question... Why can't I find this ad on the forum anymore ? Following Jussi advices I will keep an eye on your IG.
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