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    blade collection, restoration and identification

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    William M

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  1. I recently found there is additional marking on the tip of the scabbard. Is this additional kanji or just drop marks.
  2. I think this one is also WW2 era but the mei seems less refined and much harder to read. I also found stamps and marking on the spacers (seppa?). any help would be greatly appreciated even confirmation of a fake.
  3. I believe the mekugi ana was enlarged by one of the previous owners to make it easier for assembly.
  4. Thank you all for the data and info, this confirms much of what i had found in my own research. I had yet to match the smith's name so that information was greatly helpful. I may have another project coming my way so I will be posting again soon, once I have translated what I can. Again thank you all for the information and confirmation.
  5. I recently was handed a WW2 Japanese sword that a friend won at auction. it has no paperwork and i am trying to find as much information as I can from the markings. I believe I have translated some of it and identified the proof mark but don't want to add bias to anyone's translation. I have detained pictures attached of all the marks and over all in furniture. I appreciate any assistance this community can provide. I plan to become a regular here as time progresses.
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