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Fred Geyer

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Everything posted by Fred Geyer

  1. i missed the asking sale price, it was ?? Fred
  2. great video, always love to listen to what Robert has to say Fred Geyer
  3. can i get a few phone photos of the 2 swords, can wire funds this week 



  4. interested in the 2 yoshimichi 


    Fred Geyer



  5. was 14 bailing hay, was paid with a sword and a flight leather suit ...but then he charged me for lunch was a Stainless Steel sword naval but thought i had the world ! Fred
  6. All I wanted to Thank Fred W for putting on another great SF show, he always does such a great job! And having the NBTHK-AB to do the Bizen display which the club pays for the room, we bring the blades, it really was an incredible display of Shinshinto display of 600 to 700 year old blades, if you looked at the swords you know what I mean if not you missed a huge one! Was great to see everyone again and what a great crowd on Saturday Also HUGE thanks to Bill R for the ride to the airport not for him we would have missed our flight, thanks for being such a great friend. Fred Geyer
  7. No I do not see them on my list, it starts at 12 items that have went Juyo for that smith bottom is Masaaki and goes to 74 which is Ichijo Fred
  8. Jay, I have a list from 3 years ago of the top 30 smiths, and the number of Juyo works by them. Anyone you looking for? Fred Geyer
  9. Great guy, will be missed. always liked our political talks....... he would get fired up! Group gets smaller Fred Geyer
  10. Another GREAT Chicago show by Mark! I saw more Juyo blades and fittings than another show before along with some incredible other collectables. Mr. Ito was set up with 3 tables with outstanding iron tsuba, you wanted it they had it. Bob Benson had a Ko Bizen Juyo blade that looked like a shinto blade, great sword to study. Really the show had great swords on every few tables, The NBTHK-AB had a display of 20 fitting for everyone to look at and enjoy. THANKS AGAIN to Mark and his wonderful family. Fred Geyer
  11. The NBTHK.AB will be doing a great display on fittings with the motif of Dragons and Spring "this years ..year" with some great Juyo and equal to study. Looking forward to seeing everyone at the display! Fred Geyer
  12. Steve, Ichijo was the absolute master of his day, well maybe ever in iron or soft metal did not matter. Most people have only seen his students work which is still very good work but when he made it nothing but perfection, he was just following the rules in respect signing the way he did when he worked in iron. Fred Geyer
  13. Hey Ron, Nope no papers yet, will be another 4 months my guess from last 4 years of papers ...jokingly I noted you can create human life and have their first-year party before we get a paper!! But is what it is! Fred
  14. What do you consider high end fittings?? I say this only as a perception of quality and construction of fittings is somewhat personal but also some are an absolute if saku. who are you looking for ???? my asking is only asked as I went through this 15 years ago .....and I love the place I ended at!!!! So not asking as a jerk or with any questions post your answer as your answer is NEVER wrong just wondering ! Fred Geyer
  15. Look at the Ebay site he has sold hundreds of the fake fittings, one more way to ruin a hobby for the new person everyone should look at what they are producing to educate yourself Fred Geyer
  16. John, do not note on many things, read a lot but this school it is a favorite 1. with Akasaka , first buy the Akasaka book then note the following, 2. shape of the seppa , look 1,2 then 3 then the rest 3. Seppa tagana ..the signature if not one 4. the angle of the Kogai Ana ..leaning to the right or not ??? 5. thickness of the mimi 6. the edges of the motif ...Akasaka did many fine edges, age adds corrosion 7. over all flow of the tsuba ... when you noted old , ones on the group understand this vague meaning of Tadamasa to Tadatoki with be nodding there head 8. look at as many Akasaka tsuba as you can even online you will start to see it 8. weight or maybe I should say density in hand being last good luck , great school to study ! Fred Geyer
  17. that was not an answer..... sorry Fred
  18. Peter, I believe there were 21Juyo pcs in the room swords and fittings best of the best if you drop a camera or anything away goes something people have spent their lives looking for and not to mention the costs with this , as James noted above just traveling with this stuff makes the owners nervous !!!! So thank you to the owners for bringing their prized items to the show for everyone to see and learn from as it was one of the BEST displays ever !! Fred Geyer
  19. ED , We have a company that is FDA/CDC and Niosh approved ....Indiana Face Mask "IFM" and I have shipped to the show 400 FDA class 2 surgical and 100 N95 masks per Fred's request to cover the new face mask requirements for the shows guests and table holders so he will have the required "REAL" masks at the show FREE for anyone coming in the show Fred Geyer
  20. At the San Francisco show coming up will be a OUTSTANDING display for study put on by the NBTHK-AB of Ichijo and Nagatsune fittings it will be the best display ever put on in the USA of there works I believe all of the Nagatsune are in his sketch book and the most of the Ichijo in the original boxes from Ichijo when he made them for the original buyer If you are a Kodogu person or just want to see the best of the best, come the the show and see the display as a grouping like this will not be put together again !!!!!! Fred Geyer
  21. why does the one have a $25 habaki ? Fred
  22. i was going to buy they yari ...you beat me to it ! Fred
  23. see the show tab...was the best show ever ! Fred Geyer
  24. Home ................................................BEST F'N SHOW EVER !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Mark did a great job with the show everything was perfect, great to see all again was a pleasurer to see everyone from all over the US again had great stories and great laughs with the group Saw at least 20 new faces which was great Mark also as James said above a Tachi display ..one of them i was going to pack up put everything in the car and grab it and run like the wind ...well as fast as a fat guy can run !!! it was wonderful to see and study So I say we are back !!!!! Thanks again Mark! I want to see everyone in San Fran Fred Geyer
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