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    -austro hungarian sabers
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  1. JunS

    Mumei Identification

    Hi, I am finally home and tried to take some good photos. I tried the best I could. Unluckily, I am not a good photographer and do not have a photo studio at home. https://drive.google...9jtbLLdR?usp=sharing
  2. JunS

    Mumei Identification

    I will try to make some when I am at home on Friday.
  3. JunS

    Mumei Identification

    It is hard to see on the picture but against the light you can see a hoso-suguha hamon.
  4. JunS

    Mumei Identification

    Thank you
  5. Hi, I bought this nihonto last year from an estate in Vienna/Austria. The old owner died and unfortunately if he had papers, they are gone. What age and school could it be?I am wondering what thype of Nihonto it is? Someone said it is possible a Katateuchi. It is too long for a wakizashi and the nakago is too short for a Katana. What style and school of Koshirae is it (beside the fact that the Koshirae in which is was is in very bad shape). Nagasa is 60,6cm long and Nakago about 14cm. In the following google drive link are more pictures. https://drive.google...rj_DaQ3w?usp=sharing Hope you can help me
  6. Hi, I bought a Nihonto last year which had a split saya and broken tsuka. The pictures below are how the state was when I bought the sword. I first built a new tsuka from scratch. By the way, I am no woodworker, and this was my first real woodworking project. Later I build a new saya due to the cracked saya, which is not airtight anymore. The wood is honoki wood I bought from Namikawa. Picture below shows the old cracked saya Below is a photo with almost finished koshirae The last step I have to make is to add a Kurikata. I know you normally carve the place for the kurigata out before painting, but the material was too thin to make it that way. The original saya is also very slim, and I made it like the original. I choose to paint it black and still consider making an ishime finish before adding the kurigata. What do you think? The paint is not urushi because it is not really available in my country, and curing it is not possible in my environment (air humidity and temperature). I also built the katana kake in the picture. I hope you like it. Finally, the reason I built a DIY korishae is because the old one is broken, and it would not make sense to get a new one made before it was polished. Because the blade is a mumei and probably not worth the money it would cost to get it polished and get a new koshirae, I made the decision to leave the blade in its unpolished state and just make a new koshirae. The project was really interesting, and I learnt a lot from it. I think it looks good for my level of skill in woodcraft. Please don't hate; just constructive criticism.
  7. Thanks Dan, I am happy with my tsuba and i think I made a good deal. I might contact Spartancrest. It is a good idea.
  8. Thank you Dan, what price did you get yours? Was mine a good deal?
  9. It is so shiny because I photographed it with flash.
  10. I bought this tsuba for 25$ on catawiki from Japan. Is this tsuba legit? What time period is it from? What school? https://drive.google...Jru_g1Xr?usp=sharing Photos are in the drive folder the file were to big to upload. I would be very happy if someone could help me.
  11. Where do I find honoki wood to buy? If you know a place please message me.
  12. I posted this sword a few days ago, but now I received it and made more photos. What do you think about it? I got it for 550 USD including shipping to Europe. It got a few imperfections, but for this price point I expected it. I know its a very likely a gimei and not from the 3rd generation, but is it a tadayoshi school blade nevertheless? Are the shape of the blade, hamon and kissaki in the style of the tadayoshi school. Pictures are in the Google Drive link: https://drive.google...Yerx0?usp=drive_link How do you like the habaki and shirasaya? I think they pretty high quality for the price. I would be happy if you answer my post.
  13. I don't have the sword physically yet, as it is currently being shipped to me. I just noticed that the Mei is on the right side. Is it a Kodachi? Nagasa is 52cm I have not noticed this yet
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