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    Japan. U.S. civil war. Ancient Egypt. WW2

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    Sherif S

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  1. There is no signature to my knowledge but a name is Etched on the tsuba
  2. I’m more than happy to meet up and show you in person In hopes of better identification
  3. Could we possibly meet so you can see them in person
  4. Is that interesting?
  5. I’d like to find one I’ve been searching for an expert online
  6. I have more photos. Much more detail it just won’t let me upload all. These are interesting, the katana has a material in the handle that’s not stingray. And very interesting damage on the blade . The smaller sword is so detailed pics can’t do it justice. Any help identifying is appreciated. Both are signed.
  7. I have some amazing photos the forum is just glitching for me. Thanks for the help so far !
  8. I have more photos. Much more detail it just won’t let me upload all
  9. Thank you so much for the response, does this look authentic to you and is this a known maker ?
  10. Thank you so much Conway. Can you tell if these look authentic in your opinion? The one that’s signed is smaller than the scabbard it’s in, is that a red flag ?
  11. Hahaha , thank you so much for the help. I will definitely post on the other forum once I get home. do they look authentic to you ?and also could you tell me what the number means?
  12. Thanks for the help. Was this a known maker by chance and do you have any estimate on its age. The blade is a few inches shorter that its scabbard and the fit is not snug. Thanks again.
  13. My main goal is to determine these swords history, value and authenticity. Any info is appreciated.
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