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Everything posted by Tohagi

  1. So did I ...often!
  2. When their arms are painfully tired they say: too heavy !
  3. To answer to the topic... I will! I had in hand a fabulous sword, I was sure it was Kanemoto, ...and the meï was kanemoto judged gimeï. It it wasn't for the Kiyomitsu, I would have buy it. By the way, I really like your tanto. beautifull bright hada... Don't feel shinshinto to me...but who knows. Kindly Eric
  4. Beautyfull tea cup and translation! You are a poet... Kindly, Eric
  5. Well done! Very smart move. Congratulations ! Hope you'll put some pictures in natural light!
  6. Very interesting shape and nice old original koshirae. Congratulations...
  7. The quench was given by the mune, alternatively dipping in and out at a rythm... I didn't knew that... The clay patern is like strongly attenuated when turning to hamon, so it is very difficult to have sharp waves. I'll put some pictures back home....
  8. I spent some time doing knifes and kogatana with a smith in Japan. It's fast but not easy at all. There are some tips that really impressed me, one was about the way you quench it ... Not at all as I had imagine.
  9. 😇 looks a little mino sanbon hamon... The meï is Kanemoto? a clear hamon patern is difficult to get on a kogatana (I've tried) so this one is well made... Best regards, Eric
  10. Very nice sword, you are at the right place. Can we have a global picture of the blade? Best regards, Eric VD
  11. I remember 25 years ago I've read on Karate-Bushido (similar to black belt but french magazine) that a high ranck master of martial arts realised a Tameshigiri on a old original Kabuto with a koto sword ! He was physicaly and mentally a beast... not a compliment in my mind. I felt disgusted ! Best regards, Eric VD
  12. Maybe for a Tanto Koshirae? I am searching one by the way... Best regards, Eric VD
  13. What a fanstastic story! Really touching.
  14. It's still a fantastic sword for alf the price... I would probably consider it. Best regards, Eric
  15. I will try in better light conditions after crafting a kind of photo box ... Again thank you so much ! Eric
  16. Hello everyone ! Yes it is a happy ending and a relief. Here some fast pictures taken yesterday evening with my phone. They betraye the brighness of the hada (very difficult to picture in roots conditions):
  17. Hello everyone and thank you for all your support ! Finally the sword was delivered in "express" service after being sent to Limour (600km from home). The pack have suffered a little but the adress was very clearly wroten and unmystakable... Must important : the sword is fine, the sayagaki and the habaki were split a little probably by rude handling during this so long a journey... I am realy relived... and at the same time still angry : I had to wrote 2 times to the president and director of the group to have someone doing something... without telling SAV harassement and going any day to complain to post office (thanks to Brian's insurectionnal war tactics !). Thank you to all of you members, I wasn't alone and it was important ! Maybe admin could add SOLVED ! to the tittle, If I could help NMB or any member anyway: let me know (have an ID for NMB) sincerely yours, Eric V.
  18. Hello dear Dee and Jean, I had quite hard time: after writing me that my parcel have been flashed the 8 january at 1h30 AM, it get lost a second time... I made another claim and every day calling the after sell service, going back to the post office any evening after work and mailing to any mail box avalliable : it appears to be found back the 14th ... and lost again this time "definitively". I wrote a very sharp letter, writen with the hell fire and I put it in copy to the groupe La poste président and exécutive director. Today they mailed me that the parcel have been "opened" and damagesd, they will repack it and send to me as soon as possible... I realy wonder what I am going to found, if it ever gets to me. Thanks for your support ! Friendly Eric
  19. @stephen, very nice closet and collection by the way!
  20. Quite a rude work, even in first steps, for a Japanese polisher. Il the omote side, the shinogi-ji is ondulated all the way... Looks mecanical more than arato stone work.
  21. Hello Éric, Personaly, I choose a no-public room as a private desk in good dry atmosphere conditions where I can put part of my collection in good Light condition and quiet nice atmosphere. The only rules I know is tsuka on the left by peace time, on the right on wartime... and no dust. I also have a safe and change regularly what I wish to see exposed following my mood. Best regards, Eric
  22. Sorry Dee, I posted at the same time...
  23. If you practice sword kendo, use a broken shinaï to make one, the hard part of the mekugi back side. If not, good old bamboo chopsticks will work...
  24. Hello, This is not the original mekugi anyway, it doesn't matters to change it. When you take it off, check if the mekugi ana of the nakago is slightly out of the line of the mekugi ana of the tsuka. It should be 1mm out focus in the direction of the top of the sword. If it's not, a bigger mekugi is useless, you will have to slightly open the mekugi ana of the tsuka...or put some craft paper in the back side of the nakago one... Non orthodox but will fix the issue. Best regards, Eric
  25. Hello, In witch country are you? Can you post à picture of the tsuka you wish to rewrap? Best regards Eric
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