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Tohagi last won the day on August 19 2024

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    Nihonto Token, Japanese Art and Martial Arts

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    Eric VD

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  1. "That's a piece of a story!" Wonder how he could see a "pears skin hada" in such a polish condition... This seller could sell sand to MBS ! Maybe he write storys for Netflix in real life ...
  2. Hello, The urushi process will take almost 2 mounth and 1/2 for a squilled sayashi. You should try a good Smith in Belgium or UK... Best regards, Éric
  3. The sayashi (koshirae maker) will advise you on appropriated tosogu for your sword. I made many mistakes in my young time... Best, Éric
  4. It's possible, you can have a koshirae made with decent parts for around 1000USD. In my experience you will not save money trying to do it yourself and you risk catastrophic funballs. There is a lot to check before buying pecies and the size of the fuchi ana is not the must relevant. If i may dare an advise, study a lot before buying something, there is a lot to consider. If you just whant a Frankestein customized sword for tameshigiri...please don't take a gendaito. Best regards, Éric
  5. I love oeï Mihara Masaïe... Maybe people learn to love what they understand? Very hard positions here sometimes. Best, Éric
  6. Hello Léon, On the chu-mihara subject, could you post a picture of the other side of the boshi (omote), sometimes kaeri is not symetrical, of course a "tiger tail" kaeri could also fit. No kaeri at all would be probably an issue. Best regards, Éric
  7. Hello Leon, I see why you are pointing on middle mihara work on the first wakisashi. Strong Yamato den influence, very classical work. I have a doubt because some caracteristics are not seen on the pictures: the first is "water fall drop" Kaeri, quite long and straight. Maybe the picture is not clear enought, but this is a major point on ko and chu mihara (last mihara masaïe loose a little these standard). The rest is alternative chikeï and sumitetsu (difficult to say here), and nakago edges (should be not rounded but I'm not so sure of this one). Please don't take it as "True gold", it could really goes mihara at a shinsa, and it still is a very nice work. Best, Eric
  8. With these samples we can't appreciate sugata for example. Funbari and sori are important in Bizen osafune... Best, Éric
  9. Hi Léon, Chu-mihara is in my interest range. Happy to share if you have pictures. Best, Éric
  10. Hello, I had the same kind of koshirae on a shinto satsuma sword: tsuka made of wraped lacquered string or sometimes wale phalenum, saya tachi style covered with leather with urushi... Looks legits parts to me except tsuba. Maybe end of shinto ... Best regards... Éric
  11. I suppose the scale is in inches, not cm? Best Éric
  12. Very nice and informative topic on a very specific point. My two cents: if we admit the reshape kissaki theory, we must consider that it would need a new temper (wich will not be an issue in war times)... And we should find some examples showing signs of retempering as "water shadow" ... isn't it? Best regards, Éric
  13. Togishi choji oil... but it's expensive. I often cut myself and choji is perfect to cicatrice...
  14. Fantastic experience ! Thank you for sharing ! That blade was yours'? Best regards, Éric VD
  15. Sorry byrddawg, I must agree with PNSSHOGUN. 10 year ago chinese copies looked liked that, they improved since...
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