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    Learning about Asian swords

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    Mike J

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  1. @Bruce Pennington and @GeorgeLuucas, thanks for the advice, I’m not selling; but I do have a lot to think about.
  2. @GeorgeLuucas, sure
  3. @Bruce Pennington The above photos are of areas that I have concern with, I wanted to ask people that are way more experienced and knowledgeable about them. I have a concern with the deep scratches and the edge roll. The photo of the habaki, shows where there is a bright unscratched finish next to areas of surface scratches. The next photo up, has three scratches and some knicks on the blade, the next photo up- I’m assuming is just showing the grain of the sword where it is darker, the next photo up is a better angle of the blade where the three scratches was in a previous photo, the next photo up looks like a dent or chip, or roll, and the then next two are the same area, different angle; but showing a deep scratch, and finally, the last photo up is the sword tip.
  4. @Bruce Pennington, thank you for the response and I will upload some photos shortly. It is the same sword that I talked about in my other message that you replied in for kanji help.
  5. Thanks @SteveM and @Bruce Pennington, I read through your suggestions and I was just looking for a way to remove some rolling on the edge and clean up some scratches, and tighten the handle.
  6. @Bruce Pennington, thanks. I appreciate it. Any recommendations for sharpening the edge and polishing?
  7. Are there any recommendations for getting my blade restored and the handle tightened up?
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