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Everything posted by pcfarrar

  1. Your fine shipping swords, but the people working the post offices always try and refuse them as weapons. Just call it an artwork when they ask and your fine. You are best using the following postal methods (do not use any other). Small wak/tanto: Royal Mail International Tracked and Signed. Long wak/katana etc.: Parcelforce Global Priority
  2. War Thunder flying Zero's in VR on the Oculus Rift is excellent. Much better than "For Honor", which I've also played.
  3. The sword on Ted's website was the one I sold him. It has an interesting back story which I'm not sure Ted was aware of.
  4. Good smith, I sold one several years ago and it was a really nice blade.
  5. Simon, On a well done hadori polish, it completely vanishes once you hold the blade at an angle, allowing you to see the hamon and activity easily. It's hard to show this effect on a photo. It's only the poorly done amateur hadori that mask the hamon and activity.
  6. Yes I'm really pleased with the end result. I've also got two tanto with Paul at the moment for shinsa but I will likely give him another sword for polishing next year.
  7. Unfortunately I don't have many photos of the sword before it was polished. That patch of coarse hada on the shinogi was already like that before the new polish so it hasn't really changed as such.
  8. Sorry it's slightly out of focus. Before: After:
  9. Just a quick before and after on my sword (Sandai Hoki no Kami Nobutaka) Before: After: Close Up:
  10. Bit of a long shot as the mei is badly obscured by corrosion but does anyone have any thoughts on this one?
  11. Got my Wakizashi back from Paul today. Couldn't be more pleased with the end result, excellent polish which shows the activity in the blade really well.
  12. I believe it was Komiya Mitsutoshi who polished my sword too, I will see you guys at the hotel on Saturday morning.
  13. Paul's service is excellent, I'm collecting a sword from him next weekend in London. Anyone in the UK who wants to send a sword for restoration should contact Paul as it's a good opportunity to avoid shipping/customs hassle.
  14. You need to open the URL as a stream in VLC and not download it.
  15. For anyone buying the hardcover make sure you use the code SAVVYREADER for 20% off.
  16. I purchased the Francis Allan book "Japanese Imported Arms of the Early Meiji Period". Was well worth the price as it is an excellent reference. In the book there is an Enfield Cavalry carbine with the same Hiroshima registration marks. I contacted the author and he was quite surprised to see another and suspected both carbines may have come from the same Han unit.
  17. You can see what looks like a Yama quite clearly but the rest above is too heavily worn out to see.
  18. The other inscription isn't quite visible in the photo. It goes from top to bottom at the base of the stock. It's too far gone to translate I think.
  19. I discovered the gun has another inscription on the brass butt plate. Looks like a rack number (5857) from being stored in an armoury perhaps? There is also another line of kanji on the stock but it is very feint and hard to see but definitely ends with a yama.
  20. I bought a couple, seem good so far. I still prefer the microdear, but as they are impossible to get hold of in UK these are adequate replacements.
  21. I found an old book that stated that the clan in Hiroshima were trained in British military tactics in the late 1860s. I presume this gun could possibly be a result of that training? Or is it more likely to have been a private purchase by a samurai?
  22. Thanks Peter, I will try and get a copy of that book. I will also post some more photos when I have the gun next weekend.
  23. Thanks for the help Peter. Its an Artillery carbine with 3 groove rifling, the lock is dated 1866.
  24. Does anyone know if the markings on this Enfield 1853 carbine are Chinese or Japanese? Thanks, Peter
  25. How do they compare to the Microdear cloths?
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