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  1. Hello, thank you for your help. Will follow with pics of the NCO blades. Here is a pic of the navy. Kane, ? Best, Bill
  2. Gereetings, today bought grouping from another collection. All in tip top condition. Having abit of trouble with the Army translation. All comments greatly appreciated. Best, Bill Bourque
  3. Hello, thanks again. Here are more pics. Bill
  4. Hello, thank you. Im at work at this time. I have one additional blade pic. Im not sure if I will be able to met with the owner again soon. Best, Bill
  5. Hello, thank you for your expertice. Then this would most likely be a machine made blade, possibly oil -quenched? Best, Bill
  6. pic
  7. Greetings, I was contacted by a local martial arts Black belt today and was shown this katana. He recieved it from his late judo instructor several years ago. At first it appeared abit fresh to me but there is a showa stamp present, I believe. I was granted only a short time period to examine and take pics and I apologize. These are the pics, any assistance greatly appreciated. This is not in military mounts. Best, Bill Bourque
  8. Hs132

    Katana find

    Hello, here is more of the story on the blade. It belongs to a 75 year old or so Korean/Vietnam US Marine Vet. here in Oceanside, CA. The WW2 Marine Vet passed away earlier this year and they had been close friends for decades. The older Vet. had told him the 3 swords he had were his upon his passinng. The relatives disputed this but told him to pick one. He intentionally chose the weakest appearing one and no more words were spoken. Best, Bill
  9. Hs132

    Katana find

    Hello, even with the lightest of touch I feel no difference in heights, its very smooth. Bill
  10. Hs132

    Katana find

    Hello, thank you for your expert assistance. Again I am shocked. Im trying to get more info about the family, storage and Vet. history. Best, Bill
  11. Hs132

    Katana find

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