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Everything posted by Mark

  1. think I have 3 star stamped gunto mounted swords. You could have any one for $2000 (US$) plus costs (if inappropriate or hijacking please delete -- I mentioned it for educational purposes and comparison for value)
  2. I would buy it, study it, resell it at a profit and put the funds toward your next better sword. If you polish it properly you will end up with more in it than it is worth. So if you like it and are going to keep it long term polish it, if it is for resale sell it as is.
  3. RE: Ubu vs. suriage.....look at the temper at the machi.... what does it do? if it turns down to the edge it is ubu or retempered, if t appears to continue onto the nakago it may be shortened (still could be ubu or just machiokuri a little)... hard to see in the pictures but it appears to turn down and end at the machi
  4. until
  5. Howard Bizen Kuni Ju Osafune Kiyomitsu saku
  6. position of the horimono would suggest it was added later, not original to the blade
  7. Steve Thanks! Appreciate the link, It is the maker I found but must be a late work as everything I see site a similar date as in the info you mention. The work is a match, strong nie along/above the hamon.
  8. I have a katana dated meiji 2. I am not sure of the first 2 kanji. I think it says ?? ?? Ju Muneyoshi saku kore I looked up Muneyoshi and found one about 30 years earlier. Alternately I understand Mune can be read a So but I do not find any thing there. Any help or suggestions appreciated
  9. sword about $150 or so, tassel about the same
  10. looks like a "real" Japanese sword. It is antique, at least 100 years old, not sure exact age but 1600's a possibility. It has cosmetic flaws but I do not see anything fatal. Not a modern fake
  11. SoShu Ju Yasuharu
  12. my opinion is: a later copy made 1880-1930
  13. I think Akihiro ... that is a very famous maker
  14. If you are not far from Grey you should contact him. He would be a great mentor and I am sure he would be happy to encourage you and share any information he can
  15. it is a genuine sword. Wakizashi, unsigned. Hard to say age probably 200-400 years old. The kissaki looks like it may have been reshaped, can you see the boshi (temper in the tip)?
  16. unless my computer is having issue I do not see any images.... I tried clicking on what may be a link but after waiting a few minutes for it to load I gave up. can you please post the images here
  17. Steve Thanks!! appreciate the help, it was a bit beyond my ability
  18. sorry I could not attach to original post here it is
  19. I can not make out the inscription, I think maybe to commemorate something. any help appreciated. Thanks for looking sorry system would not allow me to add the file, it is below
  20. Thanks to Steve and all who replied.
  21. Any assistance appreciated. I can see Yamato?? in the top section, and I see some numbers in the 2 smaller columns but I am not sure of the correct translation/meaning Thanks for looking
  22. I know nothing about fittings, that being said they do not look like repros to me, I get the feeling of Jakushi, sorry no help on translation the grass script is difficult
  23. in my opinion this is a Chinese fake. Please see the link above that gives examples
  24. James I agree. anyone else have any suggestions for the first kanji? thanks for looking
  25. Danny Massey asked me to post a link (he is having sign on issues) Check his items here http://www.ebay.com/sch/suppab/m.html?_ipg=50&_sop=12&_rdc=1 Danny is a great guy to deal with.
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