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Everything posted by Mark

  1. looks like september 1943 Yasumitsu
  2. The preparations are coming along nicely. The Hotel room block is almost full so if you need a room grab one soon. I had a cancellation so if you want a table let me know, first come etc. Should be a good show, at least one dealer from Japan will be there buying as well as a number of international exhibitors and buyers. Educational presentations and displays on Saturday. Any questions or suggestions let me know at nixe@bright.net Thanks!
  3. John great! Good to look up some info as i think it helps you learn.
  4. maker (last 2 kanji) Nobuhide. Try some research (tip shinshinto) and see if you can find anything. i think the mei is suspect,
  5. i get Hirata Hidemitsu, hard to say without seeingthe blade but Showa maybe Showato
  6. I am in Toledo, i know collectors in the Columbus, Cincinnati and SE ohio. Maybe we could arrange something between all who would be interested
  7. some people might just like the look of a 2 pc habaki and have that made, otherwise it may be made to help with the proper fit. When a blade has been polished a few times the nakago might be thicker than the blade and a one pc habaki may not get over the nakago and still fit tightly so they use the 2 pc
  8. here are a couple. It is maybe .75 bore, weighs about 15 lbs.
  9. Since i noticed the recent thread about a matchlock i thought i would add this. I can read Kunitomo _____ Yasuyuki saku, so it is a Kunitomo group gun. I can add a few pictures if the group is interested
  10. on the show web page there is a "transportation" page http://www.chicagoswordshow.com/transportation/ at least 2 of the companies look like they have service to/from Midway, you can call them or click on their links hope that helps. The Hyatt recommends " GO Airport Express, it looks like the round trip to Midway is $69 but i would verify and get a reservation
  11. i made him an offer, figured he would counter and as i could pick it up no worries. He rejected the offer and started a rant about where could i find one for his price and what a deal it was so on so on ended up cursing me for making an offer he must have thought was too low. so i guess he should not have had a "make offer" option. seems he is easily offended???????
  12. i made him an offer, figured i could pick it up so no issues. Now he is now harassing me with a mean messages. wish i never found it
  13. There will be a presentation by the NBTHK-AB, i understand it will have some great tsuba and blades, more infor as it gets closer, also a presentation "Oda Nobunaga, the Owari School and the birth of Shinto Swords". It will have blades and a multimedia presentation.
  14. there are quite a few collectors in WA but it is a big state, most i know are over by Seattle, not sure if anyone is near Spokane, If there is someone there is a chance they could pick it up or remove the blade
  15. Next show is Chicago. Check out website http://www.chicagoswordshow.com If you are staying at the hotel make reservations early as the room black may fill up https://aws.passkey.com/event/15141567/owner/4631/home or call 847-605-1234 800-233-1234 and mention Midwest Token Kai/Sword show to get the show rate If anyone has any questions email me at nixe@bright.net Thanks
  16. Dennis I may have something. I am on the way to Tampa now, i will be home next tuesday. Email me next week at nixe@bright.net and i will let you know what i have Mark
  17. the painted kanji are numbers. They are used for factory assembled swords to keep parts together
  18. 8 & 9 look like the maker's name, Ujifusa. does that help? maybe you can research him and find the rest
  19. it is not a NCO blade. price seems fair enough based on pictures
  20. late war machine made, poor quality but genuine WWII sword
  21. Mark

    About 2 Habaki

    I agree with Joe and Brian. Will i buy a sword because of the habaki NO. But if i see a sword with a special or high quality habaki i will give the blade a second look. Here are some pictures of a habaki on a sword i own, i like the special work. We discussed it a while back
  22. first one looks genuine, just very late and poorly made May 1945 Yoshisada? the second smiths name is kinmichi or kanemichi
  23. real copper handle does not have a screw/nut to secure the handle, the fakes have a screw like the normal NCO's (real ones are secured by the fitting that holds the sarute)
  24. Guido, thanks, i will watch that website. James, i appreciate the info, that date seemed logical but good to hear the tip
  25. David thanks. I think Nov 19-21 2017 is Sunday Monday and Tuesday, it seems it is usually Fri-Sun...I like to plan my major shows early in the year so was hoping the 2017 date was released at the 2016 DTI. Maybe some of the 2016 attendees might know?
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