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Banton989 last won the day on September 14 2024

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    Japanese Militaria

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    Adam Pemberton

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  1. There is an amendment that covers it:- An amendment to this act was passed, which came into effect on the 1st of August 2008. It allows curved and samurai swords which are handmade using traditional forging/production methods to be sold without a license. Swords with a curved blade of 50cm or more may be imported where the weapon: was made before 1954 was made by traditional hand sword making methods is only available for the purposes of use in religious ceremonies or for martial arts is for use in a historical re-enactments or sporting activity for example a martial arts demonstration for which public liability insurance is held As far as I know this hasn't been altered since. And also covers ownership. Adam
  2. Thanks for all the opinions so far, my photography probably isn't helping. The nioiguchi is actually very nicely consistent down the length of the whole blade. Good to know what nie looks like as I have never seen it before in person.
  3. This swords just popped up in a Facebook post!
  4. Pic 2
  5. Hello all, just after a bit of guidance, I'm trying to learn all I can about my new sword :-) In my pics (apologies for the poor photos) is that nie along the hamon line? Not handled an older blade before so it's amazing looking close up at the depth of the construction. I could look at it for hours lol. Is there a name for the particular nie pattern? Any help appreciated. Sorry I'm such a newbie! Thank you for your patience. Adam
  6. Hi all, can anyone help translate this found hiding under a fuchi please? Adam
  7. Just received a new sword from a good friend. As a new gunto collector this is my first ever koto blade I have owned, very excited! Came in very nice gunto mountings with mon. Adam
  8. Couple more photos...
  9. Just recieved this beautiful gunto from a friend! Silver tomoe mon, matching 509 numbered fittings, leather combat cover over aluminium saya, muromachi period blade, mino school possibly one of the Kanemoto line, black dyed fittings. I love it!
  10. I will be 46 3/4 when I get my first koto blade. :-) I was 46 1/2 when I bought my first gunto and now have 3.
  11. Very true, bit harrowing in places after I watched all of it. It's a shame they didn't go a bit more into the sword itself, bit of a missed opportunity. Found myself telling the lady on tv off for touching the blade too! 🤣
  12. Just watching a TV documentary called "A Doctors Sword" It's about the family of a deceased veteran looking for information on a gunto given to their father by a Japanese officer at the end of WW2. They travel to Japan to try and find more about the sword and it's original owner. Not a bad watch. Adam
  13. Oof, that's been through the wars.... what a great piece of history frozen in time though.
  14. Ah that was you Trystan! Thankyou for that 😁. I thought it may be someone on here. Will see what else I can find.
  15. 松山水交社? Is what I think it is so far.
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