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  1. kawika

    Tsuba info needed

    I completely agree, this signature doesn't match the age of the tsuba. Plus now I realize that it's not exactly jumping out at me, meaning I don't think I was looking at it with the right mindset. Thanks everyone
  2. kawika

    Tsuba info needed

    I'm in Japan for a little bit, my wife is here and we are going to celebrate our son's first birthday.
  3. Found this tsuba for sale 50'000 yen. About 340.00 USD. Im just wondering about the signature and date of when it might of been made, any help is appreciated 👍 Dave
  4. Thank you Mark!
  5. Picked this up last week at an estate sale for 80 bucks. No info was available on were it came from or age, just sold as is. The Nakago seems off to me but didn't stop me from buying it. Could it be Nihonto made and how should I store it, light oil and newspaper Saya? Any help appreciated. David
  6. Thanks for the insight guys! This community always comes through with great info. David
  7. My father in law took me to an antique/gomi store here in Fukuoka. Some really great stuff, no pictures allowed though. I saw this tsuba for 3,000 yen and decided to buy it. The owner is a little old lady, sweet and a true salesman. David
  8. I'll be in Fukuoka city next month and I was wondering if anyone had good recommendations for stores or museums of Nihonto. David
  9. Thank you guys for the help. Any tips for how to take good care. I know I should use a lite oil, does mineral oil work. Also the scabbard, Saya seems to have termite damage.
  10. Thank you Paz! I will definitely do more research and reading on Nihonto. I've enjoyed collecting antiques and never thought much about swords in general but I'm hooked now. Later this year I will be in Japan visiting my in-laws, hopefully I can visit some museums too. Gotta work on my Japanese though, I can speak a little bit but have no skill in reading. Will definitely look into the book you recommended 👍 David
  11. I bought from an older guy that lives in my town here in Hawaii. He is a collector of all sort. I've meet him a handful of time but I'm guessing no refunds. I don't think he is a seller really more of a collector.
  12. Ouch that's a bummer. I will hold on to it for sure, does have an appeal and feels solid but I over paid. Thanks for all the help everyone.
  13. I will upload some better pictures soon. My wife just started labor so it might take me a couple days.
  14. kawika

    Giant Tsuba

    I was visiting my father in law in Fukuoka Japan and he gave me this large Tsuba as a gift. He know I like and collect Nihonto and other antiques. He told me it's a real Tsuba for a sword. I was confused because of its size. I still think it's more of a decorative peice. Close to 9 inches across with copper, brass and maybe silver. Could this of been made for a Ōdachi? David
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