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Everything posted by cnk1

  1. Thank's for your help, I appreciate ! Maybe I am going to ask a "dumb question" but would it be wrong to present this set with a jingasa having this mon ? In other words, is it possible for someone of this period to wear this jingasa and the bukuro, even the mon is "full" on the jingasa and thin-rimmed on bukuro ?
  2. Hello Uwe, thank's for your message ! Correct me if I am wrong, this mon represent a bellflower/Kikyo isn't it ?
  3. Good morning, I would like to share with you my last acquisition ! A nice pair of tsuka covers. This set was probably made during late Edo period. Nothing really spectacular but I really enjoy them ! I am actually looking for an illustration of this kind of features used during that time. I have searched the internet but dont find anything. I am struggling with the bellflower kamon, do you think it couldbe realted to any clan ? Hope you will enjoy
  4. Good afternoon, I required your appreciation on this two Mitsugake, the first one looks to be entirely made of leather and the second seems to be made of cloth and leather. I think the first one is the oldest of the two. What do you think about the period this gloves could have been made ? I find an example of the leather one on this site, depicted as an Edo period glove but I prefer to ask : https://www.bada.org...-mitsugake-santsushe #1 There is an ink stamp inside of the glove. #2 Thank's again for your help !
  5. Hello John, hello Dale, many thanks for your help ! I will follow your recommendations, #1 and #5 will be wrapped in oiled clothes and I'll will try to put others in my jean's pocket. I like this method, could be long before seeing results but not too agressives.... nice things take times I'll keep you inform about the evolution ! Thanks again
  6. Good morning everybody, I have acquired this lot of Tsuba, maybe 5-7 years ago, and I would like to know if there is something I can do to preserve it ? I'm talking about preservation and not restoration because I don't have the knowledge to restore it and don't want to commit any stupid thing trying to overestimate my abilities. I have previously restored northern african/middle east knives and daggers but being a beginner in this field I prefer to ask before doing anything, I've read some topics where people show their works on restoration/preservation but once again I don't have their knowledge and skills. What do you think about this 5 examples ? Is there anything I could do or should I leave it the way it is ? #1 #2 #3 #4 #5 Thanks a lot for your help !
  7. Good evening, first of all let me tell you that I am really happy to join the forum ! This place seems to be plenty of knowledge and sharing about a subject that I like and try to discover since a little bit of time. To talk about me, I try to keep myself in armor and tsuba area but to be honest I'm interested by plenty of different things... hard to stay focused ! So I would be happy to exchange with all of you !
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