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  1. It is a beautiful, old sword. @nulldevice has done a good job of showing it in photos, but it is even better in person, of course. I agree that Tanobe sensei is confirming the original Koson attribution, and he clearly wrote the sayagaki to Bizen Kuni Nobufusa. With two preeminent sword scholars in agreement on the attribution, it kind of makes the NBTHK paper an afterthought, in my opinion.
  2. It was a great show. I spent all of my time in the sword section and never made it to the other rooms! And the Mrs. World pageant was happening in the same hotel, which made for some interesting juxtaposition with the cowboy collectors and antique gun crowd. A few of us got to try tameshigiri on tatami after the kenjutsu demonstration. That was super cool. Here’s @Mark about to teach that tatami a lesson.
  3. Thanks for doing these @Jussi Ekholm. They are a lot of fun, and I learn as I research to formulate my bid.
  4. You are of course correct @Jussi Ekholm, it is indeed the same tachi. And the same as @CSM101 shows in the Nihonto Bizen Den Taikan. I sometimes forget that 2008 is now 17 year ago! Ownership can certainly change in that time.
  5. The show is next week! Who is going? I will be there Friday and Saturday. I’m planning to go to a great ramen restaurant off the strip (Ramen Boys) on Friday night. Anyone is welcome to join me, and I will have room in my car if you need a ride there.
  6. @Jussi Ekholm I am always amazed by your database. To add another data point for you, the 2007-2008 Bizen Ichimonji Tradition book from the Sano Art Museum has a Jūyō Bunkazai tachi of 74.5 cm from a private collection. In my opinion, the mei on the tachi in this book is different than on mine. This book does not state a date for its tachi, other than Chikafusa (probably several) spanned Jōkyū to Kōan, as @Lewis B points out from Sesko. Also, according to the Index of Japanese Sword Literature on jssus.org, Chikafusa is in the Zuikan Tomei Soran by Iida and the Nihonto Bizen Den Taikan by Okazaki. I am obtaining both of these books to further my research.
  7. Thanks @Gakusee. I was indeed lucky. You certainly would have beat me to it if you had seen it earlier.
  8. Per request from the Dai Token Ichi thread, here are photos of the blade I bought last November at the DTI from Tsuruginoya. It is a Fukuoka Ichimonji Chikafusa that has reached NBTHK Juyo Token. I apologize for my poor photo abilities. Capturing the intricacies of this blade is very difficult. To partially make up for that, here’s what Tanobe sensei said on the sayagaki (credit to @SteveM for the translation): Designated Important Sword (Jūyō) at the 67th Jūyō Session Bizen-no-kuni Fukuoka Ichimonji Chikafusa Shortened a bit (machi-okuri), with a two-character name purposefully inscribed with a thick chisel into the tang which has been slightly cut off. The sword has a dignified shape, with a standard width, a deep koshi-zori, and the tip of the sword ending in inokubi style. The forging pattern is koitame, with a clear midare utsuri present, and a lustrous chōji midare with “fukuro chōji” showing as double-chōji in the hamon. There are ashi and yo in abundance, giving great beauty and a rich variety. This sword displays the elements of this school at its peak in the mid-Kamakura era. There are several swordsmiths with this name appearing in the indexes, which dates this sword circa Kenchō (1249-1256). This excellent sword is both a classic example of this school, as well as an outstanding item. Length 2 shaku, 3 sun, 2 bu (70.30cm) An auspicious day in November, 2024 Recorded by Tanzan (monogram) Interestingly, the NBTHK Juyo setsumei says, in part: “According to the swordsmith indexes, Chikafusa was a Fukuoka Ichimonji swordsmith, circa Jōkyū (1219-1222).” So there is a slight difference of opinion on which Chikafusa made this blade. In any event, I am quite happy with it. It was registered March 13, 1951.
  9. I noticed that sword, too, @Pierre F. Here is a signed Juyo for comparison: Motomitsu. I saw it at DTI last year. It is an impressive blade. I think it is interesting that despite these two swords from the same smith being relatively similar in their current dimensions, one is signed and dated and the other is mumei. And there is a 6M yen difference in their prices. I think it is hard to pick out a first blade without seeing them in person. The way a blade feels when held says a lot, in my opinion, in addition to being able to better see its features. A sword show is a great way to do that.
  10. You might be confusing @nulldevice with me—we both bought swords at DTI. I’ll try to post some photos of my Fukuoka Ichimonji Chikafusa when I have time. Chandler’s sword is really nice, too, and he takes way better pictures than I do!
  11. Thanks for posting @Tengu1957. Do you have a translation of the Tanobe Sensei sayagaki that you can share here?
  12. Congratulations @BKB5! I think it is an interesting blade and very nice koshirae. If it were mine, I would not switch out the tsuba since the two-tone tsuba matches the two-tone wari-kogai. Also, if it were my blade, I would ask Aoi Art to arrange for a Tanobe Sensei sayagaki if he agrees with the Wake attribution.
  13. There is a lot to like about that blade, in my opinion. It would be one of the three I would want to look at if I were visiting Aoi Art with that budget. But as others have stated, you have to ask yourself why you want this particular blade, especially if you have that much money to spend. I think Kirikomi are neat, if they really are battle damage, but how can anyone say for certain? And not everyone appreciates kirikomi.
  14. Not sure of your definition of cheap. The best place to stay is the Westgate, which is the show hotel. There is a room rate associated with the show. So it is both convenient and you help support the show.
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