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About cluckdaddy76

  • Birthday July 5

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    Massachusetts USA
  • Interests
    animals, farming, fishing, collecting

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    Jason G.

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  1. I am much better with fittings but am studying swords too. This is a pic of a wakazashi boshi, other side is same basic pattern. It runs close to cutting edge, comes back down from top of kissak and makes a small "V" before heading back up. Is there a name for this specific style of boshi? I was not confident in a match from the drawn examples I could find. I have a handful of blades in the collection I inherited, and instead of just posting them, I want to try to identify small items as I study so when I am more confident, I will ask all the right questions after taking a guess myself at the school/smith/era etc. All help is greatly appreciated. Jason
  2. I believe Hotei are another legend, I have this mostly iron base example in my collection with this subject.
  3. I have seen a couple iron catfish tsuba, bit only soft metal with the entire theme.
  4. Put a little bit of white on the bottom modern pair and it would look more like an orca than a catfish, some reproductions are just awful
  5. I would suggest not getting a cheap one off a site like Amazon, my experience is that they are very unreliable. You don't need to break the bank either unless you are looking for precise weights on menuki. My suggestion is a decent Ohaus that meets your needs. I have an Ohaus that was maybe $50 and it is going strong at 10+ years old. Jason
  6. I have been keeping an eye out for a tsuba with the same theme but have not seen one that I felt was good enough quality. I came into the majority of my collection all at once and now that I have studied a bit, I am ready to make purchases. One of my goals is to make themed sets from pieces I really like, and this is one I would love to complete. I have seen kozuka with this theme but have not seen a fuchi/kashira set with it, but I am sure some must exist. Jason
  7. I have a very similar pair that must be from the same school. I have always liked this set. Sorry my lighting isn't the best. Only differences I see are that my gourds are a different color and your catfish have a slightly red tone while mine are very close to black. Jason
  8. This is a smaller wakazashi sized tsuba that seems a little bit different than many openwork crane tsuba that I have seen. It looks as though the crane is dipping his beak into the water. There is sekigane visible on the other side, so it appears as if was set at least once. I find these are some of the harder tsuba to attribute to a school, and I have been happily surprised with the results of some other sukashi tsuba in the collection I inherited. Just looking on opinions from anyone who may have the knowledge. Jason
  9. Geraint, thanks for the feedback. I was leaning that way myself. I have seen a couple listed as Higi/Jingo school that looked similar, but none had the square Hitsu-Ana. Jason
  10. I have one example in my collection of this tsuba with a plugged rectangle hitsu-ana, I have not identified the school but perhaps somone else can. Jason
  11. Too bad auction sites don't have a commentary section while bidding occurs, we could help people from buying these items. There is no way any auction site will add that feature in my opinion, they are there to make money and let the buyer beware!!!
  12. With taxes, fees, and shipping, winner paid close to $700 USD for this gem.
  13. Sorry for the pic quality, best i can do in this case
  14. Part of how I study is to follow questionable pieces at auctions and see the outcome. This one stood out to me because of the same color sekigane. Sorry for the poor circling in the pic, but people with knowledge clearly do not need me to point this out. Am I missing something or is this a reproduction piece as I am guessing? I have noticed recently when it comes to auctions that there seem to be newer collectors with some money possibly making very bad choices. Thought this might be an interesting discussion, I would love to hear feedback from a few of the tsuba collectors with much more knowledge than me. Jason
  15. The tsuka wrap looks not well done to my eyes but sometimes pics are hard to judge. I feel I see warning signs with this one with more than one concern, but there are far more knowledgeable people here who can help you out more. Jason
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